Amanda left early this morning to head down to meet Andrea in Portsmouth, NH. From there, the two headed down to Boston where Andrea took Amanda to see "Wicked." Sally and I read the book a couple of years ago, and we we read it conjunction with the Pelottes, with whom we had a "bookclub" kind of thing going. The book is really dark and political, but my sense is that the musical is funnier and more lighthearted. I spoke with the wife this evening--for a minute--and she said she was having a great time. She'll write more about the musical tomorrow. I am just glad she gets to spend time with Andrea--they are like sisters.
The day left me with a myriad of possibilities. I saw Amanda off this morning, after I made her breakfast. From there, it was cleaning up the kitchen and vacuuming the first floor and the mudroom. I got in a great hill workout, ate leftover Big G's, and then went to Agway. Today is Eric Reynold's birthday (he is the guy making sausage with me in last week's blog) so I stopped at Hillman's bakery and picked up a few treats for Sue, Eric, and Jackson. I dropped them off, tossed the football around with Eric and Jackson, and then went off to J.C.Penny. They were having a sale where it was "buy one pair of pants" and you got the "second pair for 88 cents." I dont know the significance of 88, but it works for me. I got some nice "slacks" for school. I saw Uncle Earl, the school custodian, buying some formalwear there--he was already dressed up in a suit en route to a wedding. I went BACK to the Reynolds', since they invited me over to have Chinese food for Eric's birthday. It was a tough decision, but I went to eat Chinese food . . .ha ha . . . It was great hanging out with Sue, Eric, and Jackson. Jackson laughs at all my jokes, shows me great magic tricks, and makes up stories about what certain clouds look like. Eric is a great workout partner, and he is very engaging in conversations. Finally, Sue lets me say "thats what she said" to just about everything she utters, and she is apparently cool with this. So its all good. The nightcap activity was watching the Red Sox crush the Injuns with my good friend Tony Pelotte
****NOTE*****GRAMMAR LESSON***** The previous sentence is WRONG. There is a "vague reference" present in the sentence. Grammar is cool. Look: The syntax of the sentence suggest that the Red Sox, in fact, "used" my friend Tony as a "weapon" of some sort to physically "crush" the Indians. See it? In all actuality, however, I meant that Tony was "present" with me while we watched the Sox crush the Indians. Do you all understand? If you dont, its most likely my fault, and you should hurry up and get an IEP so you wont have to be responsible for learning any of this stuff . . .
It was a busy day. A good day. I miss Amanda. This is the "Lifetime: Television for Women" moment . . .but since we have been married, Amanda and I have maybe spent 5 nights apart. I simply dont sleep when she isnt there; I dont know how Kris and Twon do it--he travels like 15 days out of every month on business. I guess I just like having Sally there. I guess, also, that its a good thing I married her, or I'd look like crap from the lack of sleep I'd see.
In tomorrow's blog, I'll be exploring the most arcane, most obscure, and most interesting advertising characters we see in the media. Go Sox.
Hi Jared...Chris is working an overnight shift tonight, and I miss him just like you miss Amanda. :) Try to sleep well...
88 is symbollic in many Asian cultures. It signifies Good Luck. Throughout the Commonwealth in primarily Asian neighbors one may find a Super 88 market or a Happy 88 Chinese food restaurant.
I hope Ricecake Matsuzaka went to Super 88 for rucky runch of rentil soup and riverwurst.
Go Sox!
Hey Jared! Your MIL gave me this link, said how much she enjoys this blog. I've met you at Libby's store before... I am a bit of a lame sox fan, but I did so much enjoy Drew's first big hit last night... bases loaded, 2 outs, him up to bat and the commentator ragging on him, and then whammo!
I couldn't remember how my name comes up... I'm lisa
Yes, you are the friend of my dad's whose Meanderings make me crack up. :)
PS...I am SOOO jealous that your wife saw "Wicked". I have yet to see it, but I listen to the soundtrack non-stop!!
I hope you are watching the Sox "crush" the Rockies. I hope that you are doing well!
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