Why not piss a few more people off?
1. If you're a restaurant, stop advertising that you have the "world's best lobster roll," because you don't. No one does. They're are freakin' the same. A lobster roll consists of a hot dog roll, a couple of ounces of lobster, and a spoonful of mayonnaise. How can you differentiate here? Its all pretty basic, so stop aggravating me. Yours is the same as everyone elses.
2. Then you get people like McDonalds, D'Angelos, and Subway advertising THEIR lobster roll, and how great theirs is. If I was going to pay twenty dollars for a wicked small sandwich, you think I'm gonna get it at McDonalds? Stick to frying crap, and we'll all be happy
3. Stop making such a big deal out of the fact that your restaurant now has "wraps." All it is is unleavened bread, so stop acting like you're all groundbreaking and innovative. You see signs all the time like "we have wraps" or "now, get your favorite sandwich on a wrap!" and the like. Its like they want to make people believe they sent some envoy to the far reaches of East Japeepie to find the latest culinary concoctions . . .and all they came back with was a wrap. How about an original idea, like fried macaroni and cheese balls. Go Cheesecake Factory!!
4. I'm tired of the same stupid commercials showing disgruntled white office workers, and their token black office worker, sitting in the break room eating lunch, while two of them act all despondent and depressed over their lunch, while the token black person has some "double chicken Caesar wrap" thing from some chain restaurant. The token black character is acting like they just found out they won the lottery or something, just because they've got the better sandwich--life is perfect, cuz you've got a wrap!! Then, during the last 15 seconds of the commercial, the disgruntled white workers conspire to get the token black worker's "good" sandwich while he isnt looking. The white male workers have way to much gel in their hair.
1. There are all these bumper stickers telling you to pay attention, because MOTORCYCLES ARE EVERYWHERE! But if you're reading the bumper sticker on the 84 Caprice Classic, how are you supposed to pay attention to the motorcycle you're hitting?
2. Weigh Stations. What the heck? Have they ever been open before? What do they even do? I dont get it.
3. I've got a great idea for an invention: How about a new polymer to go on the back of bumper stickers so, even after having them on for months at a time, they just peel right off. Why are bumper stickers still made the same way? Why haven't they been improved with some new sort of sticky residue that comes off easier? I'm tired of seeing stickers for "Dukakis/Benson '88." It just seems like a pretty easy solution to me.
4. How many of you, when after giving the toll collector their money, say "THANK YOU!" as you drive away? I don't. I used to, but then I realized what I was doing: I was thanking "them" for letting me give "them" my money. What the heck? THEY should be the ones thanking me, but usually they just stare or say nothing. Geez . . .thanks for letting me pay you money so I can drive on your special road where I still have to obey all kinds of stupid laws about speeding and merging. Oh, and thanks also for using my hard earned money to make improvements like lane additions to your special highway, so I dont have to sit for 30 minutes in traffic just waiting to pay you in the first place. . .oh wait, that just happened.
1. King Bush pledges millions to countries like Africa for "Aids Education." Arguably, millions are spent here in the USA for Aids awareness and education. I think we could do it for $82.95. This is the price I came up with after researching the price of a megaphone that had a range of 600 yards (I found it on Megaphonesdirect.com), as well as a full tank of gas for Amanda's Subaru. I ask you seriously: what are the millions for? At this point, everyone should know how you get Aids, and what causes it. For the people that do not, I propose driving around in a car, yelling through the megaphone the simple mantra: "USE A CONDOM. DONT SHARE NEEDLES. YOU WONT GET AIDS" for a couple of hours a day. The only overhead costs I would see would be double A batteries for the megaphone, and the occasional filler-up on gas. Undoubtedly, I'll be crucified for what I'm writing, but enough is enough already; How much are we going to entitle people? Just drive around, use a megaphone, and tell people how not to get AIDS--its that simple! I have no idea . . .not even in my most wildest dreams . . .why we need to shell out millions to a country like Africa to educate them about AIDS. My dad did it for me in like 4 minutes, and then we went to get Chinese food. It just seems to me that the only ones we spend "education money" on are the lazy and ignorant, and I think that needs to change.
I am one of the people that says thank you at the toll booth, they always say have a nice day back, try to think positive. Spread a little niceness in the world, we need it.
Jared - I just wanted to say THANK YOU for observing and commenting on those things that most of take for granted. Your blog ALWAYS make me think, laugh, ponder, and contemplate, and in the world we live in today, that's always appreciated! :)
You crack me up Jared!
We always say thank you to the toll man on the way to Maine, then we ask what state we are in, it makes there day amusing
I always say 'thank you' to the toll collector too. I don't really know why -- just a reflex I guess. I think it helps me to be happy.
It is your mentality why so many people are thankless. Does it honestly hurt anything or anyone to say thank you or are you that stuck on on trying to prove a point?
Regarding the best lobster roll, they are not all the same. Different places put different things in their role. Yes, mayo and lobster is the common denominator, however, I have had many that taste different from the other.
AIDS - It is not always a persons fault they get AIDS. Children can get it from their parents before birth, people can get it from unsanitzed hospital equipment, blood transfussions etc. So, creating the perception that eveyone should know the root cause of AIDS if false.
come on everybody we've got quilt'n to do . . .
why is it always the "anonymous" person that has to be difficult and not have a sense of humor? why won't you let us know who you are? Do you honestly think that Jared is such a heartless person? come on...
Hey Anonymous:
Either have the courage to tell who you are, or stop leaving stupid comments and go away. You are like those terrorists who are "so tough" that they have to disguise their faces with those dirka-dirka masks
Thanks! I thought it was just me getting tired of Anonymous posting such negative comments. Come on people or "Anonymous" the meanderings are suppose to be fun and actually they do sensible points.
I'm with you Jared and Panda, Anonymous should own up to who they are since they have so much to say.........
Ok everyone, it was me, Thomas P
Jared -- I knew we shouldn't have sent Thomas to typing school!
You guys are hilarious! I also say thank you to the person at the toll booth. Sometimes they say it back, and other times they don't. When I was with my parents one time, my Dad said, "Thanks - have a nice day." When she didn't reply, he muttered somewhat audibly, "Nice talking with you!" My Mom punched him in the arm, but I think it was the right thing to say - it doesn't hurt to be kind! I'm with you, Sally Piles! ;) Now when are we ripping down some wallpaper?!?!
I just knew Thomas P is a very smart cat :)
Next he'll be cooking dinners with Jared after some kitchen lessons!
I love the intro. You know how pitchers have their respective "out pitches?" These columns are your out pitches. You really bring it! Keep it up!
A few comments:
-I think it was spelled Bentson, the popular '80s sitcom may have done you in.
-While weigh stations aren't open that often, they help protect our bridges from overloaded big rigs, which is a very big issue. Surprised that 60 Minutes isn't all over it.
-With respect to AIDS, at a recent physical exam, my doctor and I gave each other matching "Are you F'NG serious?!?!?" glances when the topic of using condoms during oral came up. Hysterical stuff looking back.
-I think Africa is still not a country.
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