Andrea and Michael came up last weekend, and here are a couple of pictures of Michael playing football with Callum. As you can see, Callum, still clothed in his PJs, still had to go up and don his Tom Brady shirt. What do I tell Callum next fall when, because of their over-inflated egos, the players have decided to not have a season?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Still sick....
Okay. So I am at 90%. I am running again. My times suck.. Still cannot breathe the way I want, and I am kind of drained. Amanda is well. Callum is back to normal. Maira Elizabeth is miserable. It has been about 3 weeks since the Goldsmiths were all good. Well....we're never "good".......
Andrea and Michael came up last weekend, and here are a couple of pictures of Michael playing football with Callum. As you can see, Callum, still clothed in his PJs, still had to go up and don his Tom Brady shirt. What do I tell Callum next fall when, because of their over-inflated egos, the players have decided to not have a season?
Andrea is working on a new degree in speech therapy, and she used Callum as a "case study." Callum was part of a study. Hilarious. Love it. I think he did very well. Basically, Andrea tape recorded whilst they played and talked for 45 minutes. Callum is wicked smart. Smarter than me. But that isnt hard.
The pose below is a pose I made for most of last weekend, when I thought I was dying. I was absolutely miserable with a fever of 101.7 (I got sent home from school last Friday by the nurse...I had no choice!) Callum thought this was a funny pose, and so he made it too, and Amanda snapped a pic....Callum appears to be studying me.....
I love the overalls Maira is wearing. And I love how Callum has his arm around her. This picture warms my heart, although I wonder what the heck he is looking at....
A beautiful smile for a beautiful girl!
Andrea and Michael came up last weekend, and here are a couple of pictures of Michael playing football with Callum. As you can see, Callum, still clothed in his PJs, still had to go up and don his Tom Brady shirt. What do I tell Callum next fall when, because of their over-inflated egos, the players have decided to not have a season?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I hate it when people dwell on the fact that they (and their kids....and their spouses....and their whomevers....) are sick. Everyone gets sick. Deal with it. Move on. Amen. Even. BUTTTT.....the Goldsmith house has been plagued the past couple of weeks, mostly with Callum being EXTREMELY mysterious with his symptoms....fever, cough, vomiting, etc....but also acute sensitivity to everything; the kid could not get out of his own way, and a simple playful bat by Lupine would turn into a ten minute crying event. He seems to be out of it though. Yesterday I MADE him go outside...he cried for twenty minutes at the prospect....but when he got out he loved it. We ran, rode bikes, and sat on the ATV and pretended to drive (he is still afraid to turn it on).
Now I have the most painful cough I've ever had...I have tons of mucus in my chest (sorry...gross) and every time I REMOTELY cough, it hurts like heck! Yet, because I am a moron, I still ran 7.5 today--my football coach, Greg Chapman, perscribed to the adage that the best thing to do when sick and congested was to go run around and loosen everything up. Let's see if that works. Off to go get some tea.....
Oh, and here's my beautful daugter and charming son....
Watching "Little People" together on the couch on Monday when I was home sick with CS....
Maira's impression of Fernando (if the Fitzies still read this, they will get it....)
glamour shot.....a pretty girl....who STILL looks like no one I know.
Callum making Maira smile/laugh by telling her "you're pretty" over and over again....
Right now Macy Gray is playing on AOL radio on the iPod....remember her? Just sayin....
Now I have the most painful cough I've ever had...I have tons of mucus in my chest (sorry...gross) and every time I REMOTELY cough, it hurts like heck! Yet, because I am a moron, I still ran 7.5 today--my football coach, Greg Chapman, perscribed to the adage that the best thing to do when sick and congested was to go run around and loosen everything up. Let's see if that works. Off to go get some tea.....
Oh, and here's my beautful daugter and charming son....
Watching "Little People" together on the couch on Monday when I was home sick with CS....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Old School 1
First of all, I have no idea why everything I am writing is underlined. I am trying to deal with it. But it drives me crazy.
Imbued by an awesome weekend with the guys this past weekend (dinner at Georgio's, lunch at Fresh Catch with Hank and Artie, dinner at Imperial Buffet, hot tub, Tim and Eric, Savers, and ice beers) I thought I would look through some of my old pictures--I have such a rich and storied history with my friends, and I wanted to check out some of the past. I will, from this point on, occasionally do an 'old school' blog where I take pictures of old pictures (no scanner....who do I look like, Mike Ponticelli???) and post they.
This was my first match. The one where Hank ate the hill. Look at #11 in white....I am two back from him, ready for the hooker to throw the ball in. In the same match, I saw/heard a kid get his hip broken. It sounded like a man with pneumonia chewing peanuts.

Okay. Now the underlining has stopped. Go figure. I had THE best bachelor party. Sorry Jon, Tim, John, and all you other unmarried dinks....nothing will top my bachelor party. We ate a Japanese steak house (pic below) and went paintballing, even. The CAST of my party was fantastic--great friends and family. Back (l to r) Brian Maher, Brian Kemish, Efthemios, Sport Jonathan, Stevee Hatch, Johnny C--Front (l to r) J.R. Adams, Hardworking Mike, Jiason, and yours the end of the "game," they had me put on an "orange tux" and gave me a one minute head start. I was accompanied by my best man Jiason. Obviously, he took good care of me and my other buds didnt shoot the crap out of me at all....
Buddy and roommate Brian Kemish and I (accompanied by crazy ski guy Aaron) somehow thought it was a good idea to snowshoe up the Tuckerman's Ravine on a day when the USGS signs read "Extreme Avalanche Danger." Young and stupid guys. Aaron skiied down the bowl of Tuckerman's, while Bri and I brought our insulate sleeping pads up, strapped to our packs. We would use these for 'sleds' on the "Gulf of Slides" (to the west of the ravine). This lasted one run--when the friction from the snowpack--combined with the steep speed of our run--literally burned a hole through the pads.
Oh to be young again.
Thursday, March 17, 2011

I recently found out one of my college acquaintances died about a month ago. His name was Tyler Stimpson, and we crossed paths many times at UNH, and I even ended up teaching with his father, Tom, at Dover about ten year ago. Tyler was involved in the Army ROTC program at the college, with the dream of becoming, eventually, a Navy SEAL. After college, he went to OCS and was commissioned as a Marine Corp officer--a commission he then denied JUST so he could enlist in the Navy, and increase his chances of being accepted to BUD/S to be a SEAL. At UNH, Tyler and I would often swim together, as we both shared the same aspiration of going to Navy OCS, and, at least trying to make it both into (and through) BUD/S. We'd practice combat swimming drills in the big Olympic sized pool, and we'd even practice our 'drownproofing' techniques, having the lifeguard tie our hands behinds our backs--and then together--as we went to the bottom of the pool and simultaneously came up for air....and then went back down again; this was a common exercise at BUD/S and we wanted to practice. Now for the irony.
Tyler did, in fact, survive hell week, BUD/S, and The Finishing School, and became a decorated SEAL, serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He won a purple heart and medals for valor. His death occurred while on leave, with friends, when he decided to do some recreational skydiving. He survived the most grueling military process in the world, served his country honorably in hostile environments, and became an elite warrior....only to lose his life in a freak, supposed innocuous recreational exercise....
My dad has been in my thoughts and prayers lately, as he deals with many tough issues in his life as of late--most notably his knees (or lack thereof). Tyler's death, while it brought to mind the idea of extreme irony, also reminded me of my dad's INITIAL knee injury--the one that began the painful, enduring knee pain he feels today. It occurred at my first ever rugby match in college, when we were playing Northeastern University, and he came by to watch. Halfway through the first half, my friend Andrew drove a terrier out of bounds, crashing into my dad on the sideline, and knocking him down the small incline that surrounded the perimeter of the field. Isnt it ironic that I made it through 3 seasons of rugby at UNH unscathed (except for a separated shoulder from a stupid practice injury), and my parents, who were so worried about me getting hurt playing such a horrendous sport, were the ones who were injured?
Irony is such a prevalent thing in our it not?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Some new things
When in doubt, throttle it out! That is what Callum says, anyway.
This is our new fourwheeler--a Kawasaki Prairie 700--that is one big engine with lots of power. This is, foremost, a too. Although I know that we will have some fun with this as well. The Prairie is a smooth ride that's easy to handle. You can ride "two up" on the big seat. It has some neat features, like four wheel differential switch (so ALL four tires can spin at the same case you get stuck, need that power, etc) a winch, and a plow. The plow can angle from side to side (like your typical plow can) but it also has three settings, to be either flat, "V" or "wing," depending on how you want to move the snow that day. We were definitely thinking ahead when we bought this, thinking of other stuff we will do with it someday--as far as work goes. When we move and have a bit more land, we'll do a bit more firewood (since we will have the space). This fourwheeler will definitely come in handy toting wood around. But let's not ignore the fact, too, that the Goldsmith's will have some fun this summer and fall on all the great trails in Fairfield and beyond.....
Last night we took Callum to Sukee arena to see the "ice-bike" races. Or, at least, the warmups...since the races didnt get underway until about 8. But in the yellow is our friend Paul--one of the mechanics at Mathieu's Cycle. He ended up winning the race last night. Callum got a kick out the whole thing--folks have, basically, screws in their tires, and they get really great traction on the ice!
Callum's latest tower, built this morning. Also note his cash register. He politely does business with Amanda and I, calling us both SIR each time he makes a sale....
Oh, and the subject of this blog is new thingS, so here is the second thing. Callum and Maira now have some goldfish in their room. What do you mean there were FOUR fish when we started out? I have no idea what you are talking about!! But Callum has these great fish, whom he named Thomas. All three of them. Well...four, originally. They. are. all. named. Thomas.
Last night we took Callum to Sukee arena to see the "ice-bike" races. Or, at least, the warmups...since the races didnt get underway until about 8. But in the yellow is our friend Paul--one of the mechanics at Mathieu's Cycle. He ended up winning the race last night. Callum got a kick out the whole thing--folks have, basically, screws in their tires, and they get really great traction on the ice!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Winter Carnival and Sadie's
Both of these occurred last week. And both of them made me very very very tired. I am a class advisor--I have been for two years now. This year, our (Lori, below, is the other advisor) kids are sophomores, and, thus, their responsibility was to run the Sadie Hawkins dance. The kids did a fantastic job, and the dance went off without a hitch. No drugs. No drinking. No procreating on the floor. Good stuff.
Once again I was the host for the winter carnival assembly. This year, since I am a man of the people, I decided to don Converse All Stars, spandex running pants, grey turtleneck, pink leisure suit, and beautiful wig. Obviously, I looked ridiculously hot. And I have a feeling these pictures will come back to haunt me. Soon enough.
Hosting these assemblies is always a hoot, and it is yet another example of the overpoweringly strong school spirit possessed by the Winslow High School kids. Why would anyone go anywhere else?
Here's a shot of the dance in our gym. The theme was "Wizard of Oz," and kids decorated by creating the emerald city, characters, yellow brick road, etc. The bathroom stalls had ruby slippers dangling from the bottoms, to make it look like a toilet fell on mean...the witch....This picture was taken during one of the TWO slow songs played at the dance; when I was a kid, we had slow songs every other song! This was my only chance to ever touch a girl.....
Like I said...I am a man of the people. Here are three juniors I hope to have next year--Maddie, Sara, and Elizabeth. Maddie's date was a kid named Callum--this is the only other Callum I have ever heard of. Elizabeth, all the way to the right, is a student I had as a freshman. She loves me SO MUCH that she took both my speech and creative writing class. Lucky her. Cuz I am so awesome.
Running on the yellow brick road with Conner and Camille. The three of us....joined by the afore mentioned Lori Loftus.....make up the "RaiderRunners" club--the four of us run most days of the week, and we have a blast. All four of us are signed up for the marathon in June. Camille is my French exchange student this year. GREAT kids all.
March still sucks.
Once again I was the host for the winter carnival assembly. This year, since I am a man of the people, I decided to don Converse All Stars, spandex running pants, grey turtleneck, pink leisure suit, and beautiful wig. Obviously, I looked ridiculously hot. And I have a feeling these pictures will come back to haunt me. Soon enough.

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Papa and Auntie: Meet Maira Elizabeth
But we had a great visit, complete with Christmas presents, lots of Maira-holding, my famous ham, Amanda's famous pineapple upside down cake, and many laughs. We even set Friendly Henry up on Facebook. You should all friend him. Then, in two months, he will figure out that you friended him.....and he will accept.
I tend to take more video when Papa or Nannie visit Maine...thus, not too many pictures. But my dad sent me some and I will upload them another time. But I have some great video of Callum and Papa with Papa reading a few bedtime stories to Callum--Danny's Mystery Valentine, AND Snow Day. Both are library books that Callum has already renewed twice. He loves them.
Callum, below, is very interested in both Papa's beard AND his strong Boston accent. We dont get a lot of that up in Maine...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March Sucks
Welcome to March. Here is why it sucks:
1. As a teacher, it is definitely the toughest month there is. Snow days become more and more limited and un-possible. Kids have a long stretch from Feb vacation until April vacation. It is GOOD because you can get a LOT of curriculum done....but kids care less about it than I care about Libya and whatever the heck is going on over there
2. It is a month which condones the only acceptable racial profiling holiday in existence: St Patrick's Day.
3. It is a NOTHING month that has NOTHING for ANYONE. Winter lovers, like me, hate it because it is a "mezzanine" kind of month. It really isnt WINTER is just dry, cold, staticky (I checked, and that is a word), and gray. It is windy. Even as a snow lover, I tend to want it all to go away so I can go outside and play. But March isnt really spring either. It gives you nice days and daylight savings time longer periods of sunlight....but it doesnt matter when it is 28 degrees out. It is a tease. March--if it were a period of human life--would definitely be the beginning of adolescence--that "ugly" time in a kid's life where they are pimply and smelly and awkward and completely unaware of who they are and what they stand for. The snow that melts in March--which is a precursor to spring and thus should make people happy--STILL is incredibly ugly and nasty; all I can focus on is all the mess it leaves behind with sand, salt, and grit.
March has no idea what it is.
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