Just a few thoughts for today . . .more to come tomorrow . . . I have to WORK now, so I can't stay up and blog all night . . . ha ha
1. Do pharmacy students, at some point in their college career, take "Separating things with butterknives 101?"Seemingly, this is all that it takes to be a pharmacist. If you can count and move pills across a small table with a butter knife, then being a pharmacist might be for you. And you make 100k a year for doing it. Sure, some meds interact with others in a bad way, but this is your doctors job to tell you . . .or you can just get that desk reference book and read it yourself. Am I missing something, or are pharmacists just the medicinal equivalent of the parts guy at the Chevy dealership--who makes 8.50 per hour . . . .
2. A student brought this to my attention today: We use the phrase "careless mistakes" or "careless errors" all the time. "Don't make any careless mistakes on your paper!" Or, "Jeez, Manny's careless error in left field cost the Sox a run." Aren't all errors and mistakes "careless?" Isnt that what makes them a mistake or an error in the first place?
3. That "Extreme Makeover" show with the guy with the dumb hair is a pretty good concept--in theory. I mean, its really nice that they put a needy family in a new home. But the show is severely flawed, and it has been "frenched" by the nasty tongue of Hollywood. They only help ONE family. If they REALLY cared about helping . . .and not about RATINGS . . .then they would put SEVERAL needy families in more modest houses. The homes they build for one family are terribly ostentatious, and I question the producer's true motivations. What type of family of four needs an air conditioned in-ground pool on their roof? Or a microfiber go-kart track that squirrels through the immense underground tunnel system of the back yard? Or siding made of cedar shakes that change color depending on the mood of the mother? Just ridiculous. They should have a special episode . . .where a bunch of people tie the host down, beat him, and then cut his hair. Now THAT's a makeover.
4. "I don't see the Red Sox winning the world series in the foreseeable future." What's with that phrase--"foreseeable future?" What future IS foreseeable? Isnt that the whole point of the future--that no one can see it? Who decides what future is "foreseeable" and what future is not? Is there a "cutoff" after two months or so? If the future is foreseeable, then it must be either the present or the past, right? Am I confusing you? Do you like me still?
5. I wish Keebler would bring back "Tato Skins." Those things were great. Do you remember those? Keebler was the first snack food company devoted to eco-sustainability--use the WHOLE potato, and throw nothing away. Genius. A chip made with the otherwise-seen-as "by product" of the potato. They were wicked good too (better than any chip) and at the end of the day, I really felt like I was making a difference in the life of an elf.
6. Speaking of chips--If you havent tried them yet, go out and buy some "Pringles Selects" right now. They are scrumptious--as my Nana Courtney used to say. Truly, they are divine chips. They come in sweeet potato flavor, "Szuchaun BBQ," and "Sundried Tomato." They are so good that you dont even feel like you are eating chips. Go try 'em
6. Amanda watches QVC on a daily basis; I have to admit I am addicted as well. QVC has commercials in between their "shows," which is kind of funny when you realize that QVC is, itself, one big commercial. So, its a commercial that has commercials. That's cute.
jared, you should give that student an F for being insolent
I LOVED tato skins!! I had to stop eating them after my 4th heart attack.
I do remember tato skins. What ever happened to them? How do you think of this stuff?
Just to let you know it's not just Amanda who is addicted to QVC, but her whole entire family. Now they all talk on the phone with each other while watching and discuss what each one of them wants. Now they have Emma watching! Thanks Lynne, June, & Amanda!
That's what Godmothers are for!
Haven't been into your blog for several weeks so took some time to catch up. Your writings of memories of nana are so special and truly appreciated. By the way, that baby is me in your grandfather's lap - wasn't I so cute?
Auntie Patty
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