Monday, March 18, 2013

Dinner and Reading by Candlelight

The kids like to light a candle when they eat makes things more romantic....
Probably the toughest thing about my shoulder situation occurs between the hours of 330 and 600 pm, when I pick up the kids from daycare...try to get them buckled into their seats...get Maira OUT of her seat....bring them in....cook dinner....clean up from dinner...etc. Even something as simple as taking off Maira's shoes is tough with only one working arm. (however, as you can see, I am typing hurts a bit...but who cares....)
Monday nights are Amanda's 'late nights,' where she is 'on duty' in case the legislature is in session, etc. I hate all things TV and we are really making a conscious effort to have the kids watch less. Last Monday, while they waited for Amanda to come home and give them their bath (I cant do that...), they had a romantic little reading party....

It is really funny how they begin, after a while, to 'memorize' the books completely...and recite them in their own way.....with candles....

Tonight and into tomorrow/all day, we are supposed to get a humongous snow storm. I only know this from hearing the kids talk about a snowday (possibly) tomorrow....I would NOT know this from the weathermen....they all disgust me and have completely sucked this winter. My mom probably remembers that time, when I worked doing homeowner's insurance for Bunker Hill, that we had that freak April 1st blizzard.....that was a NIGHTMARISH time to be doing homeowner insurance...I believe that was around the winter of 1997, and we got a foot and a half in Boston, etc. Is that right Mom? Kristin? Oh yeah...they dont read this....

Yesterday I 'threw caution to the wind' and went for a run. Dr Golden, my surgeon, said I 'could' run...and it would hurt...but not be harmful...unless I fell. So I went to the track and ran 3 miles yesterday. It felt GREAT as far as the shoulder was concerned--but it was a NIGHTMARE cardiovascularly have no idea how much upper body mechanics go into running; my stride, timing, and cadence were very 'forced,' not to mention the extra 'drag' the arm, tightened in a sling in front of me creates.

Today I took to the roads (the ones with a VERY wide and flat/even shoulder) for a four miler. My times must be abysmal, but I wont even time myself until I get this damn thing off. The looks I got from people were priceless. I mean, have you ever seen anyone running in a sling? Sadly, however, one guy, driving alone, slowed down, grimaced at me, and proceeded to flip me off. No idea why. Only served to, as Efthemios would say, motivate me for my 'opponents.' haha....

Maira's "phrase du jour" is calling everyone around her "twinkletoes." Very cute.

I wonder if we will all have a snowday tomorrow.. If so, I have lots of Workaholics to watch....


  1. Looks like the kids are having a Safar. Where's the Matza?

  2. I'm so happy for the life you have created. I absolutely miss all of you! As I read your blog and see the pictures of the kids, once again, I have tears in my eyes. What is it about you? Lol... Its only tears of happiness for you and Amanda. What great memories you are making with your children. I always tell my children....if you can read, you can do anything...
