Thursday, November 5, 2015

So we are, tonight, half way through the NFL season....isnt that crazy? I know this to be true because the first half of the season's games are on regular tv...and the second half are on JUST NFL Network...and tonight that #elitistcable sham begins....

Maira spends most of her waking hours lately being either "Bella," a five year friendly talking jaguar....or, more recently, "Shooting Star," who is a friendly talking snow leopard who loves to play and can run SUPER fast. She really gets serious about getting into character...she crawls around the house on all fours...meows....jumps up and sits with you (like a cat) on the couch....and carries toys and other items around via her mouth....

below, Hannah and Emily come by for a teaparty while SHOOTING STAR panders for the camera....

Tonight was a 'family preschool dinner' put on by Maira's preschool at Fairfield Primary School--delicious baked beans, chicken chili, mac and cheese, and was great to see Maira 'in her element' playing with her 'girlfriends.' I love how little girls hold hands all the time when they are together. And, while I am at it, I have been super impressed and in love with how Callum and his guy friends (as well as girl friends) all hug each other when they see each is beautiful and refreshing to see this...also, it is hilarious how Callum and Stephen will hug each other when they see each other...and then proceed to wrestle the heck out of each other and play, as Callum calls it, "tackle frenzy.' Hilarious. .Below is Maira and her friend Arianna and another girl....

And, finally, Wednesday was definitely "Fire Station Day" for the Goldsmith kids. Maira's school took a field trip to Fairfield's Finest on Wednesday, and, later that evening, Callum's TigerScoutDen took a trip to the station as well...they got a full tour of the place; they got to sit and 'drive' the trucks, and it was a wonderful world...oh to have the innocence of a seven and four year old

1 comment:

  1. So good to see kids happy and having fun I today's world with what is goin on.
