Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Today was Veterans day, and we all had today off--a nice little break in the middle of the week. Today we also finished getting our wood ready for the winter--we stacked the rest of our green wood delivery, and we brought the rest of the already-seasoned stuff into the garage. So, in other words, the cold can get here any time it wants to! I cant wait. 

Here is a picture of Lupine sleeping with Maira at night. She sleeps with Maira just about every is very cute...

With today being Veterans day and all, we took a ride into Augusta to go to Kohl's because Sally had some coupons or something like that....Maira and I walked around the store together, and all their Christmas stuff was on display....this, combined with our visit to Starbucks earlier today, really got me excited for the upcoming holidays....this is the year we travel to CT for Thanksgiving, and it is hard to believe that it is only about a week away!

The thing I look forward to the most about the holidays is all the family time--I love it when people come over to eat and celebrate for the holidays...having Lynne and George and Baba and Jon and Kelsey and all the NJ family over is wonderful...and Thanksgiving in CT is a rare and special time when I get to be with all of my side of the family at once--that doesnt happen very often.

Here are a couple of visits from when my mom and bob came up a few weeks ago for a visit. Here are the three ladies post-meal at Governor's.

And here is Upbob, the child and animal whisperer....haha. Amanda and Maira look like they just got sentenced to jail terms...what are they looking so sad about?

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