Sorry for the lack of a blog yesterday---we were out at Craparitas pretty late with Amanda's family, and by the time we got home, we had to pack, since we left this morning to make our way down to Connecticut to stay with Kristin and Anthony. Our laptop gets no internet access down here because we dont know the Favry WEP key, so I am using their computer--thus, no funny pictures of our adventure so far. But we DID have a very white trash campfire tonight . . .in the hull of Antwon's wheel barow. It was funny because every ten minutes or so we had to roll the wheelbarrow around because the cute little tire was starting to melt from the heat. It was great to have an easily transportable fire. Having the fire in the wheel barrow was a last resort, since none of the stores we checked down here had firepits, and it was such a beautiful, cool night.
On our way back from the grocery store, we mosied into "Lee's Toy and Hobby Shop," which was the discovery of the month for me! The store had everything from our generation (Jared, Amanda, Twon, and Kristin) that made being a kid when we were kids so great. And, consequently, these things cannot be found anymore in most places. What originally caused us to gravitate towards the store in the first place was that I noticed they had Kristin's childhood dollhouse (okay . . .mine too!!!) in the window. It brought back memories. See if you remember: Smurfs, Lincoln Logs, Breyer Horses, Lionel Trains, "Skip It," "Connex" (sp??), Playmobil stuff, and models. Remember models? Do kids even do models anymore? Now I sound like my grandparents--"when I was a kid, kids used their minds and did models and problem-solved." I think I would like to get a model and do it. Some were really neat--GTO's, Sherman Tanks, F-14 Tomcats, '57 Chevys. And some were not--Chevy Novas, Cutlass Sierras, and Plymouth Reliants. Who in their right mind would want to spend good time and energy on a beautiful summer or winter day putting together a model of a Cutlass Sierra or Reliant? Do these cars have a "following" of which I am unaware? Anyway, I digress.
Very good to be here in Ledyard finally. We tried a back-way (thats what she . . .) and got a bit lost in an effort to save some time off our trip. But we did find a fantastic farm stand in Preston CT where a kind farmer gave us directions, offered us her phone, AND sold us some great sweet corn (in Maine, the sweet corn isnt even up to my knees yet). This is the third time in two days when random people have showed us random acts of kindness. The sheetrock drill I mentioned the other day was one, the farmer was another, and the third happened this morning while I was getting Amanda's oil changed: As I left the garage, I somehow dropped 40 dollars in cash out of my pocket. Another woman in the waiting room SPRINTED up to me as I started to roll away, and gave me my money back. That's three really nice people in this world! More tomorrow, as Mom is coming down to Ledyard to visit as well. . . .
Actually, yes, Cutlass Cieras do have a big following.
As do Mercury Cougars, Todd!
Agreed! Don't forget about the Plymouth Valiant either!
you forgot to write about hot house tomatoes..........
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