Tonight, while BBQing on my gas grill (see Thurston's blog link) I was listening to Maine Public Radio, as I often do when I am in the garage, tooling around, fixing things that don't need fixing, and basically doing my impression of Hank Hill. Why do we bother to listen to the news? I know the answer is obvious: to be an informed citizen of our democracy. But it just drives me crazy. And I dont just mean all the violence and the murder . . .unfortunately, we become desensitized to it. What I am talking about is the selfishness and "double standardness" that exists in our ultra-liberal, "let's not hold anyone responsible" sort of society--which is slowly but surely heading towards communism. In the span of the time it took for me to cook some delicious barbequed chicken thighs from Joseph's Butcher shop, along with some sweet summer squash from Uncle Karl's garden, here is what I heard:
1. There is a landfill in Biddeford Maine (a coastal town) that has an incinerator which burns 60% out of state garbage and 40% in state "curbside" trash. Developers in Biddeford (disguised as concerned citizens) have drafted a proposal called "The White Page" which will close this landfill by next year. Where is the rest of the trash going? Juniper Ridge in Lewiston, the "state run" landfill. Why? Well, the reason is simple: more rich people live in Biddeford, on the coast, than they do in Lewiston (an influx of Somolian immigrants) "The smell is disgusting . . .its offensive to our downtown . . .we dont want to deal with it" one rich idiot claimed to MPBN. So, basically, poor people can deal with the smell of the dump, and that is perfectly fine, but the rich coastal people shouldnt have to deal with it, since, even when the air conditioner is on in their Saab, they can still smell it on their way to yoga class.
2. The missing mine workers in Utah-First of all, if you haven't seen any footage of the actual mine owner on the news, try to find it on YouTube. He needs to take his show on the road. All he does is yell at reporters, who are questioning him because his mine has had 332 safety violations in the last three years. But that is not my point. Four of the missing miners are Mexican workers (illegal Mexican workers, mind you). The Mexican consulate has verified this, and, whats more, they are criticizing the safety effort because the miners haven't been rescued yet. Remember, they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, yet the Mexican government has the audacity to criticize us? And we'll probably pay their families lots of money in reparations . . .
3. There is a "vaccine crisis" on the fringe of the health care industry, or so "Maine Things Considered" reports. The point of the story was this: With the shortage of vaccines, UNINSURED children are getting "first dibs" at the vaccines at public health clinics. The vaccines are in short supply. So guess who misses out when the uninsured children get all the vaccine? Yup . . .the children whose parents have PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE. Now people are probably saying that I am being callous. Not so. All people should have health care anyway. But this is just another reason of the hard working people who are responsible and "obey the rules" getting shafted once again by a system that doesnt want to "make anyone upset." The hardworking people, from which a portion of their paycheck funds the uninsured, end up missing out. Great plan.
4. In Mass, my home state, it is the law that one must carry private health insurance. Bullcrap!! Obviously, it is not fair to the people who cannot afford to buy it. But, let's look at the well off people who have no financial trouble paying for health insurance out of pocket (of which I will never be). Suppose I am wealthy and have no problem paying for doctors visits and medications out of pocket? Why should I be "forced" to buy insurance? What if I didnt want to? I obviously dont "need" the help, but I have to buy it because its the law. It is wrong for Deval Patrick, with his super wussy playground goody-tooshoos voice, to force citizens to PAY INTO a totally CORRUPT system which is our health insurance industry. Why don't they have the citizens fund Al-Quaeda while we are at it? I can't wait for a couple of years, when the Boston Herald breaks the story that Patrick and all the other idiots on Beacon Hill were getting kickbacks from Anthem or Harvard Pilgrim.
. . .But the chicken and squash were excellent . . . .
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