Amanda's new favorite player on the Red Sox is Jacoby Ellsbury--I know this because when I ask her if she likes him, she just stares at me with those "five year old eyes" she has, cocks her eyebrows, smiles, and nods her head 250 times per minute. And why shouldnt he be her new favorite; the guy is hot! He's handsome, modest, proud of his heritage, fast, and one heck of a young ballplayer--he's only 23 years old and starting at center field now for the sox. Furthermore, he exudes this certain calmness when he plays that makes one question the veracity of his age--he doesnt seem stressed or strung out on the high energy I probably would have if I were 23 and playing in the world series.
Ellsbury is half Navajo, and, at 23, is learning the native language from his mother. He was born on a Navajo reservation in Oregon, and, apparently, overcame a LOT of adversity to get where he is today as a professional ballplayer. If my mind serves me correct, he is (or was) the number one prospect for the Boston Red Sox organization (Pedroia WAS number one . . .and he is equally amazing). On a side note, I really respect the Sox for the new sort of "management strategy" where, unlike the Yankees, they don't go out and buy EVERY player they have (Dice-K aside of course . . .who is a terrible disappointment in my eyes). Rather, they trust their "young guns" to step up and help formulate a young, strong, and very good ballclub. But lets get back to Jacoby, shall we?
He is so fun to watch play ball because he is so fast. Last night, in fact, he did something amazing--he stole second base in an early inning, and, in a heartbeat, secured the dinner of, possibly, millions of Americans. Taco Bell was having a promotion: "steal a base, steal a taco," and they promised a free taco to anyone in America (I forget the time and date parameters) for every stolen base in game 2 of the World Series. Jacoby, as I mentioned, stole second and immediately made hundreds of thousands of new fans in the way of fatties, adolescents, and college students. NPR had a pretty good story on about him this afternoon, and the way they ended the story was kind of interesting--the reporter was discussing the absurdity of the whole sales gimmick by taco bell, but added that it still isnt as stupid as "Chief Wahoo," the mascot of the now golfing Cleveland Indians. Nice touch.
I wish him well, and I am rooting for him to continue to win the hearts of baseball fans. He is the first American Indian baseball player. And, like I said, he is hot. I mean, he's up there with Sting, Colin Firth, and Efthemios Kotsioupolous.
Goodnight. I am headed off to bed--tomorrow the "complete works" will be on location, as we travel down to CT to participate in Kristin's super duper stampy Christmas cardy type of party thingy. I will most likely drink wheat beverages whilst the stationery making is occurring.
Jah mon, Jacoby is pretty cute... but he has such a baby face I have to look at him as a cute son type versus cute partner type. Efthemios Kotsioupolous-who?
The Choctaw, (my people) never got along with them. I hate you.
Jacoby was fantastic last night, and Amanda is right - he's hot. :) Don't worry Jared...he doesn't even compare to you, right Amanda? :)
Amanda - what do you think of Varitek?
jared, you're as fruity as niles standish
Jacoby is 25 (now) so that would've made him 24 & i love him!
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