Old School.......
These weekends always go by so fast, dont they?
Here are some highlights from what we did (it was busy)
1. We went out with the Daigneault's and Loftuses on Friday night; we hit up "You Know Whose" Pub for some good burgers, the Bruins game, and some lively conversation. We were all "kidless" which was nice for a change...but very weird!
2. We walked to Butcher's Choice for breakfast on Saturday, which was lovely. Callum enjoyed some scrambled eggs and pandacakes (what he calls pancakes)
3. I rode my bike out to Mt Vernon again, and Amanda and Callum drove. We went to visit Lynne, who is recovering nicely from her hyatal (spelling??) hernia surgery from last week. We killed two birds with one stone: We all got a good visit in with Lynne and George, and I got in another training ride for my triathlon and the "Trek." Of course now my bike is being all weird, but I hope to get that fixed SOON!!
4. We got home and Jon and Mel stopped by (they bought a futon at Winslow Mattress--where we got ours) and they came by to see CS after. "Yoojay" tried to get me all excited for the Trek Across Maine (this will be his third year) but all he did was make me nervous for the 180 mile ride...haha
5. Church this morning: We havent written about church a lot lately, but there is a lot going on there as well! We have our last "inquirer's class" this Thursday, and we are totally bummed because we LOVE this class. Also, this coming Sunday, we will "officially" become new members of the congregation, which is a big deal for us. And then, of course, there is Callum's baptism on May 17. Lots going on there!
6. We got a TON of work done this afternoon, most of it involving landscaping; for such a small yard, our little corner of the world demands a lot of attention! Cindy and Dana were great in helping us--Dana walked around our yard and theirs with Callum while I trimmed and mowed, and Cindy and Amanda cultivated and weeded out perennial beds. Amanda did some transplanting, I did some edging and clearing, and then I began to work on our latest project: A little front patio. I am putting in a little place to sit, relax, and read right in front of the breezeway. There was tons of spearmint and ferns growing there, but I've been working on clearing and killing it all (which is kind of like herding cats, but anyway....). Today, I removed a bunch of mulch and soil, did some digging, and even "tested out" some patio blocks to see where we were at. I think it will look nice.
7. Blah, blah, blah, tomorrow is Monday....
where are the new pictures of Callum, you have us spoiled.
Sorry -- we didn't take any pictures this whole weekend.
We did have a great weekend. They go by way too fast. Especially now that Callum is here - we want to spend as much time with him as we can and Monday morning comes way too soon...
awww, that's when Callum was just a newbie! so sweet....
hey jed,
I didn't mean to get you worked up about the trek.... like i said you are not going to regret it, and it is so much fun.
Lets hang out soon.
Your cute.
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