Because for the past three times we have gotten together with the Favry family, someone has ended up in the hospital. On Thanksgiving, Jackson had to be rushed to the ER with some type of allergy/rash/breathing issue. Then, when the Favrys came up a few weeks ago, they left early because Jackson had a 105 degree temp and they stopped at the hospital on the way home. And FINALLY, this past weekend, while we were down in CT for Jackson's first birthday party, Anthony went to the ER at 1 in the morning because he had food poisoning. And then Jackson starting projectile vomiting everywhere too. What is going on? Is Callum a demon or something? Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling better!
We did, however, have some really bright moments from our visit. I got to see lots of family I dont usually get to see. Callum got to see his Nannie, Papa, Grammie Goldsmith, and Papa-Bob. And Jackson got to see me (I am one of his favorite people on the planet, for sure). Also, on Saturday night, when Twon was at the ER, Kristin was up, and Jackson was screaming for hours on end, I got some special bonding time with little Jacko, when I got up, tended to him in his crib, and sat and rocked with him for a while; he fell asleep on me, which was wonderful. Having a baby fall asleep in your arms is one of life's rarest and most beautiful of gifts. Think about it.
Here is the little man getting his soy-based frosting birthday cake (he is allergic to milk stuff)

It was a "Sesame Street" theme, which excited Callum beyond all recognition. I got into the spirit by donning my Cookie Monster shirt, which also made Callum one happy little guy; he loves when I wear my shirt. The cake they got Jackson was almost too beautiful to cut...but we did. And when we did, it was one of the most creepy and wrong culinary experiences I've ever had; we had to cut Cookie Monster's head off in front of a bunch of kids, and then pass out pieces of said head for the little ones to enjoy. Weird. Also weird is trying to come to terms with what, exactly, Anthony is doing with the inflatable Elmo in the background. Just saying......

Sunday was a beautiful day (well, for everyone except Twon, who was semi-conscious for most of the day). Callum went out on a "date" with Auntie to pick up some meds for Twon at CVS. Amanda and I got some special time with our nephew, and then Amanda and Callum took a three hour nap was just that type of weekend I guess. What WAS really neat was taking the boys for some cool wagon rides in Jackson's sweet new wagon his Papa got him for his birthday. I would like one for myself. I think this is a great picture:

Callum had to show he was the "big" cousin by getting out of the wagon and pushing his cousin. If you blow the picture up, you can really get the expression of Jackson's face, which is priceless.

Clickety Clack, Clickety Clack goes the wagon.....

Callum just LOVES being outside...he hates to go in, actually. I get the sense his little cousin follows in his footsteps.
Okay, time for Glee!!
ya, we are kind of afraid to come to callum's b-day cause its my turn to visit the hospital next...
anthony what are you doing with elmo??
the party was great fun, we were sad uncle kk couldn't play all day sunday, but jackson did get some good bonding time with his uncle and auntie. he says thanks for changing him and cleaning his vomit.
I need to upload our pics soon.
This is a good blog and I've enjoyed all the stories and pictures from the weekend. I'm sorry some were not feeling well, but I hope all is fine now. I love the pictures of Callum and Jackson. They are so cute together. It looked like a really nice time. Maybe next year we can go (hint, hint)and join the fun. Amanda also sent me some pictures and I really enjoyed them too! Love the wagon and Cookie Monster cake!!
Yeah, sorry guys I could not hang out with you all Sunday. Joking aside, that was the worst experience! My stomach just started feeling better. Definitly not eating there again.
I just love my "BOY'S"
are they beautiful little kids or what.
They both are funny little kids.
(must get their personality from Nannie , OMG I am funny huh)!!!
Callum is like the big man pushing Jackson around, he was very social at the party and I think he had a good time.
I know Jackson did.
they both were a big hit thats for sure, so many people love to see them together.
Hey MEE MEE, just say YAHOO...
great news.............
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