On Christmas Eve I made a smoked fish chowder on the BBQ. Also, as an accompaniment to the chowder, I made some Scotch Eggs. Both came out really well, I think! Maybe I cook so much on the BBQ because I really love the smoky taste of cooking outdoors with charcoal and apple wood.....ORRRRRRRR maybe I cook on the BBQ so I can stay outside. Away. From. Everyone. I havent decided on a good answer yet....haha
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Christmas Eve 2011
We had a white Christmas this year!!! After a fall and early winter of record warmth temps, we got a good few inches on the Friday before Christmas Eve (and the roads were BAD). And then, in true Maine weatherperson fashion, there wasnt even as much as a SNIFF of snow in the forecast on Christmas Day....so, obviously, it snowed ALL. DAY. LONG. Seriously. The weathermorons didnt even CONSIDER snow on Christmas. But it did. We got about four inches or so on CHristmas day.
On Christmas Eve I made a smoked fish chowder on the BBQ. Also, as an accompaniment to the chowder, I made some Scotch Eggs. Both came out really well, I think! Maybe I cook so much on the BBQ because I really love the smoky taste of cooking outdoors with charcoal and apple wood.....ORRRRRRRR maybe I cook on the BBQ so I can stay outside. Away. From. Everyone. I havent decided on a good answer yet....haha
Our Christmas Even table--Dave and Muriel joined us once again, and we were so happy to have their presence with us. Amanda made fantastic popovers to go with the chowder and eggs. And George and I, a week before Christmas, had a little snack date where we picked out...well...snacks for before and after dinner. But in a STRANGE twist of events....and this has actually never happened before....he forgot to bring the shrimp!
Lessons and Carols were at 7 at church. My Sunday school teens did a great job reading parts of the Christmas story....and little Emmy Carlson did an adorable solo of "Away in a Manger." It was FREEZING out on Christmas Eve. So Callum and I both wore our scarves. He is into scarves lately. In this picture he looks like he is either petrified or made of clay or experiencing a problem with his glands or hypnotized or a zombie or all of the above....
Most people know our kids are a little unusual....all, I believe, in good ways! For example, what other three year old prefers to watch figure skating to football? And which one prefers enacting scenes from "The Nutcracker Ballet?" That would be Callum. Additionally, whereas most kids have the most affection in their heart for jolly old St Nick, Callum is a TOTAL Rudolph man. He loves Rudoph--and all reindeer--for that matter. And he was most excited to leave cookies for Santa, carrots for the 'other' reindeer, and a shiny red apple for RUDOLPH! On Christmas morning, he was tickled pink to get a note from Santa, thanking him for his generous snyacks!
And here are the best Goldsmiths, walking downstairs on Christmas morning! Maira had a blast, of course, just crawling around and playing with wrapping paper and bows....but her favorite thing thus far must be the big bag of cat treats we got for Lupine....the shiny orange plastic bag is her favorite, and she carries that around most all day, every day.....
On Christmas Eve I made a smoked fish chowder on the BBQ. Also, as an accompaniment to the chowder, I made some Scotch Eggs. Both came out really well, I think! Maybe I cook so much on the BBQ because I really love the smoky taste of cooking outdoors with charcoal and apple wood.....ORRRRRRRR maybe I cook on the BBQ so I can stay outside. Away. From. Everyone. I havent decided on a good answer yet....haha
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The longest night of the year...
depresses me. Not because it is the longest night of the year....but because that means that, after tonight, the days start becoming longer again, and that means summer is near. AND I HATE SUMMER. TOO MUCH WORK. Too many things to do. Too much peer pressure. Hate it. I like winter. I go out. I am all alone on the road as I run. No one bugs me. Then I come home to my wood stove and all is good. So shut up.
Oh, so Callum can fit into his sister's pyants. Just sayin......
Advent Family Night at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection was last Friday night. We have a fantastic church with a fantastic message and fantastic people. Just one of many "unsung" heroes of our church is Katie--Maira's good friend. Katie lovingly calls Maira her "littlest girlfriend" (Katie's daughter Meghan, who is in kindergarten, is, of course, Katie's "little girlfriend"). At Advent family night we always have a great meal, do kids crafts, and sing Christmas Carols. Maira and Katie looked on together....
And Callum practically peed his pants during the singing of TWLEVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS....we have a tradition of "acting" out the twelve "gifts" in a charades sort of fashion, and Callum just died laughing....
The other tradition, of course, is Santa Claus showing up to deliver a small gift to the children and deliver the important message about the TRUE meaning of Christmas. This year's Santa looked terrible. Almost sickly. Do you know what I mean? Nonetheless, people said he did a great job....
Lastly, this picture kills me. Callum loves the ATV, but is scared to drive on it because it is too loud. BaBa-the-NJ-lover has a pair of headphones in his garage that one can wear while mowing the lawn, etc. They are NOISE REDUCING headphones. Callum found them one time, and he often wants them around our house, since he is scared by loud noises. He solved his problem by finding the headphones you see below: Koss stereo headphones my dad used to listen to in the 70s (the 1970s)--now I have them and I use them for my keyboard playing. Callum is convinced that they block out noise. Kid is hilarious. Jon took Callum for a little ride.
Oh, so Callum can fit into his sister's pyants. Just sayin......
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday Maira-Beth!!
Wow....I owe my blogging audience big time! The last post I did was December 5! I dont like that. I will do better. Take me back. Give me anudda chance, even....
Our little girl Maira turned one on 12-12. Last Saturday, Auntie KK, Uncle Twon, Jackson, and Nannie came up (UpBob and Papa and Grammy were deeply missed) and joined the rest of us crazies to celebrate the little pie's birthday. Uncle Bob was staying with Ba Ba for a few days and he got to come to the party too! In addition, after the party crew left, we did Christmas presents with my mom and the Favry family. A great weekend all around--great to have the Favrys visit....lots of good cousin time with Jackson and Callum and Maira (and Rudolph!). Anthony and I got to take a ride to the brewery late on Friday afternoon, and then on Saturday morning the dads took the boys over to the Quarry Road for a nice brisk walk on the wooded trails by the stream.....
Dave and Muriel look on while Maira unwraps her "kitty" cupcake (she had a "kitty" party...since kitties are her favorite things in life)
Amanda did a knock out job on the kitty cupcakes....check them out! Also, she made some chocolate kitty lollipops....but I didnt get a picture of them....
Maira loves to eat! EVERYTHING.
The little lady's new "church coat" that BaBa bought her.....what a beautiful little lady....

Here's just a nice picture of the Goldsmiths outside the Maine State Museum....Grampy took it for us while we were checking out the model railroad show a few weeks ago....look at Callum's face.....
Little Jackson helping Maira open her gifts. Check out the high chair on the right--one of the gifts Papa sent up for Maira...a beautiful unfinished solid wood high chair for a dolly....and a cradle too....

And the two stooges masquerading around with Cabbage Patch doll boxes on their heads....
A fantastic party!
Our little girl Maira turned one on 12-12. Last Saturday, Auntie KK, Uncle Twon, Jackson, and Nannie came up (UpBob and Papa and Grammy were deeply missed) and joined the rest of us crazies to celebrate the little pie's birthday. Uncle Bob was staying with Ba Ba for a few days and he got to come to the party too! In addition, after the party crew left, we did Christmas presents with my mom and the Favry family. A great weekend all around--great to have the Favrys visit....lots of good cousin time with Jackson and Callum and Maira (and Rudolph!). Anthony and I got to take a ride to the brewery late on Friday afternoon, and then on Saturday morning the dads took the boys over to the Quarry Road for a nice brisk walk on the wooded trails by the stream.....
Dave and Muriel look on while Maira unwraps her "kitty" cupcake (she had a "kitty" party...since kitties are her favorite things in life)
Here's just a nice picture of the Goldsmiths outside the Maine State Museum....Grampy took it for us while we were checking out the model railroad show a few weeks ago....look at Callum's face.....
Monday, December 5, 2011
Scotch Eggs and such...
Everyone knows it and makes fun of us for it: Amanda and I just love British crap. Television. Radio. Cooking. Clothing. Healthcare. Each day at lunch, in an effort to sequester myself from the rest of the school and have 10 minutes of peace (I am SOOOO popular) I sit, in the dark, in my room, eat my lunch, and watch youtube videos of (mostly British) cooking videos. Like many folks, during Christmas and the holidays, I enjoy cooking festive stuff--I just roasted a turkey the other day, and this Saturday, for Maira's first birthday party, I am smoking a ham on the Weber. One recipe I found was a Christmas tradition in England and Scotland:Scotch eggs. Here is a picture of how they turned out:
I did mine a bit on the unconventional side, meaning I baked them instead of frying them--but other than that, I followed a traditional recipe. I boiled and then peeled eggs. Then I took some natural casing sausage, and slit the casings down the length of the sausage, removing the casing, and rolling out the sausage into a little patty, for which I used some special and secretly seasoned flour. Then I covered the whole egg with the sausage, dunked the whole kabang in an egg wash, coated them with some homemade breadcrumbs, and bada-bing! I byaked they for a bit, just until the crisped up. They DEFINITELY would taste better fried, but I didnt feel like cleaning up a big mess. These MAY return for the holidays! As might a special chowder AND a fish pie. We'll see.....
Lynne and George watched the kids for Sally and I the other night so we could a. go to Toys R Us and spend hundreds of dollars on Chinese plastic crap and b. go to DYSARTS!!!!!! When we got home, this is what we saw:
Exhausted from a long night of playing trains, no doubt!
Before falling asleep, George was probably thinking about how tragic Herman Cain's campaign ended up being....hence the dubiously thoughtful posture....
This kid dont go anywhere without Mister Puppy....

Lynne and George watched the kids for Sally and I the other night so we could a. go to Toys R Us and spend hundreds of dollars on Chinese plastic crap and b. go to DYSARTS!!!!!! When we got home, this is what we saw:
This kid dont go anywhere without Mister Puppy....
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Meanderings 67-Some random observations about gender and manners

1. I am thinking of a new blog or web site I could launch and really make some money..."Things a man should never say.com" It would work. Here are some real observations I have made lately, teaching at a public high school:
-my cat did the cutest thing yesterday
-I think Josh Groban did a cover of this song
-I am so pissed I can't stream JERSEY SHORE on Hulu yet
-do you have any lotion?
-I love my bedroom because my dust ruffle matches my comforter
-I want John Mayer to hold me ever so gently (that one is from me)
I really do keep a small notebook of these. My class finds them hilarious. Do you? More to come....
2. On the same sort of vein, a random observation I have made about Callum is that the kid loves theater: Dance, ballet, drama, and FIGURE SKATING. Last Sunday, he preferred watching Brian Boitano's holiday skate show on NBC instead of the Patriots make the Eagles their beee-ot-chizzes.....I am totally okay with this (as I mentioned on FB). I now show CS some youtube videos of figure skating each night. Kid is transfixed. Love it!
3. For years and years, the benchmark of proper etiquette was putting the toilet seat down in the bathroom when you are finished. The 2011 version of this is (or soon will be) taking your K-Cup out of the "brewer capsule" when finished. Most people know I dislike K-cups intensely, for I believe they truly epitomize what is inherently AMERICAN--fast, convenient, pollutive (sp?), and completely devoid of aesthetics (sound, smell, etc). However, is it impolite to 'leave' your k-cup in there when you are done? I find that when I DO use a Keurig, I always find someone else's K Cup in there. It doesnt bother me at all to throw them away....but I can see some dumb liberal suddenly making a big fuss about how they have to throw someone else's cup away. Pay attention....this will become a bigger deal
4. I really hate when people chastise me for not getting the flu shot. It is ironic that the same dumb liberals who make such a big deal about "keep your laws off my body" with the whole abortion thing are the same ones who usually want to get all over my body about peeing their pants about me not getting a flu shot. At least three people this year have been genuinely offended that I havent gotten the shot and participated in what I call "a government conspiracy." This usually pisses them off, even though I say it jokingly. But when we really do get into the heart of the discussion, I ask them quite plainly: "Do you exercise five days per week at least?" Obviously they say no cuz they are too lazy to go outside. "What does that have to do with anything?" they ask me. Well, as I tell them, they are offended that I dont get the shot, and I put them at a greater risk for getting sick. THey never understand the connection I am trying to make about exercise and staying healthy, but that is just because they are too obtusely liberal....
The flu is a fad. Like Amish house stars, P90X, and Eskimos....
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving weekend
look at these two goons--Callum and Jackson--playing on Thanksgiving morning.....we are looking forward to seeing the Favrys and Nannie and Upbob again in a couple of weeks for Maira's first birthday (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT...ALREADY???). Callum is looking forward to seeing everyone. But he asked if upbob could leave Nannie at home because, and I quote, "I dont like how she follows me to wipe my nose...." But he loves his Nannie. He tells me so.
Both kids really love playing with "kitchen" sets---at Jackson's house, at the church nursery, etc--and we will probably get them one for Christmas....
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Since I am tired and sick--and Amanda is sick. And Callum is sick. And Maira is sick. I have decided to do a Thanksgiving blog post in a "lecture notes" sort of fashion...much like I would do at school when pressed for time....
THANKSGIVING: It was awesome.....a solid, complete trip....plans changed due to storm, etc....
TUESDAY: Come home from school....pack....leave at 615 to put kids to bed in car and drive down to Ct...do this to 'miss' snowstorm in Fairfield that would inevitably dump almost a foot of snow....hit MAJOR rain on way down....get to CT safely....go to bed
WEDNESDAY: Cold morning....go on errands with Anthony to dump, Home Depot, etc....go pick up stuffing and potatoes at Mystic Market....return home in time to see girls and kids off to get pictures done....Anthony and I keep the tradition alive by going to sit at a pub and consume a couple of ice beers whilst watching ESPN....this time we went to Shipyard Pub in Mystic....go home, order Valentino's pizza...put kids to bed....view 'Modern Family' and 'Happy Endings'....later that night Callum would throw up 4.5 times in bed with us...
THURSDAY: Happy Thanksgiving! Beautiful day....play football outside....fry two 21 pound turkeys...make my creamed onions....Amanda makes delicious pumpkin pie...visit with family dont often get to see....Callum and Jackson proceed to watch Bob The Builder Christmas for 26th time in row....boys continue to play trains....boys and 'Ukka Ja-ed' walk down to visit the three horses...horses are subsequently named Thomas, Percy, and James by the two boys....leave at around 7 to drive home through the night again, returning at 1130 or so to a foot of snow...have to shovel doorway to get into house....fun!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Maira being Maira.....
So many changes JUST in the past week or so....
First of all, last night, she slept through the WHOLE night without getting up once!!
Her favorite word to say is "ditty!!" which she says when she calls for "daddy" or when she sees Lupine and says "kitty." She loves to wave and say DIE! to people (she is saying BYE)....
She is suddenly WICKED fast as a crawler....way faster than her brother ever was...she loves to be chased
She HATES being thrown up in the air and caught like Callum used to....
Favorite food? Goldfish and apples. She says "fish" a lot when she wants them....
She said her own name today. She says "birthdays which is hilarious. I dont think I could phonetically spell it out. Sorry.
A true joy
First of all, last night, she slept through the WHOLE night without getting up once!!
Her favorite word to say is "ditty!!" which she says when she calls for "daddy" or when she sees Lupine and says "kitty." She loves to wave and say DIE! to people (she is saying BYE)....
She is suddenly WICKED fast as a crawler....way faster than her brother ever was...she loves to be chased
She HATES being thrown up in the air and caught like Callum used to....
Favorite food? Goldfish and apples. She says "fish" a lot when she wants them....
She said her own name today. She says "birthdays which is hilarious. I dont think I could phonetically spell it out. Sorry.
A true joy
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A Fantastic Season!
It ended a couple of weeks ago, but I really haven't gotten around to writing about it. Winslow Cross Country is amazing. What a fantastic experience. My own coaching, personal training, and running education improved dynamically. As I wrote before, our boys team made it to the State Championship, and we had two girls qualify as individuals. The race, on Oct 29, took place at Twin Brook Recreational Center, which is down in Cumberland. World famous XC Ski trails. Just as good for running. Our boosters were awesome, and always had all our WHS XC "bling" fully ready for us! Here is one of our tents at the state meet. Notice the propane tank heating the hot water for coffee, cocoa, and every team member's staple: Cup O Noodles.....
Milling around before the start of the Class B race. There were LOTS of people at this. The energy was just amazing.....
The week after the season ended, we had our banquet at the high school. Amanda and the kids came for some of it--the banquet didnt start until 630, and they kids had to leave to go to bed! An excellent night with some fantastic food. I think I mentioned before about the sweatshirt and water bottle I got. Below is an interesting photo: I SERIOUSLY think this might be one of only two (the other one is from Santa's Village) pictures of the whole Goldsmith family....in existence!! One of only two that "I" have ever seen, anyway....
Fellow coach Chris and I gave out the awards to the kids--a lighthearted and sentimental affair...
And now I have a little more time for the truly important things in life......

Monday, November 7, 2011
Another day at the office....
I miss being on summer vacation with my kids--I cannot believe we are just about three months into the school year already. First Quarter ended just last Friday. Amanda, who is home on Mondays and Wednesdays, gets to capture a lot of great moments during the day...like when these two goons play with each other. Funny: The HAVE a playroom...but they bring all their stuff into the living room...because that is where all the action is, right? Me? I'll take the downstairs den (which, in the past few months, has become a total mess...NOT the 'piltdogs' I wrote about a few years ago--only TRUE goldsmith5 blog purists will get that reference...)
Look at Maira's little curls in the back! I think she is going to have hair just like her mommy....
I realize I haven't blogged much about Cross Country. I should do a whole post about this. This season was amazing, to say the LEAST. Now, it is over. And, although I value having some time back in my life, I miss it terribly. The kids are just so amazing and I really hate going on runs alone. Co-coach Chris and I are doing some marathon training in hopes of preparing for the Sugarloaf marathon, which is in May. We'll see how crazy the training is--and we'll see if I have the time for it! But we had a great XC banquet last week, and it was lovely; Chris and I gave out awards to all the kids with superlatives like "rookie of the year" and "never complain award" and stuff like that. The captains gave out "gag" awards like "most likley to always wear spandex" and "laziest" and "most likely to win the warmup" and stuff. All good natured. We watched a half hour slideshow (set to music) and I was given a copy of the DVD. And the kids wrote some fantastic stuff on some posters and cards for me...AND they pitched in to custom make me a Winslow XC hooded sweatshirt as well as a 'clean canteen' water bottle with the team's photo on it! I was very touched. I absolutely love this coaching gig. Okay. Back to the kids playing....
My beautiful little girl. She says hi and bye and waves. Her latest trick--as of today--is she shakes her head NO to me (get used to it daddy...). Also, she now takes things, shows them to me, and says "this??" with a sort of lisp. I tell her what "This" is, and she then tries to say the word. Usually it sounds nothing like it is supposed to. She has really taken a liking to this "car slide" thingy that I will have to show a picture of. Also, she loves trains--particularly the Thomas the Train "Sir Topham Hatt" car. I think she just wants to be like her brother.....
An afternoon serenade....
1. Same as black day class....I collected your essays
1. O.W.L. 1: take notes on homonyms and words used incorrectly. The test for this will be next MONDAY, since we have no school on Friday
2. Pit and the Pendulum
-writing in class: What was the most prominent sensory image used in this Poe story? Use your notes and explain in detail....this will be graded using the participation rubric I passed out!
1. Same as black day class....I collected your essays
1. O.W.L. 1: take notes on homonyms and words used incorrectly. The test for this will be next MONDAY, since we have no school on Friday
2. Pit and the Pendulum
-writing in class: What was the most prominent sensory image used in this Poe story? Use your notes and explain in detail....this will be graded using the participation rubric I passed out!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween 2011
As always, Amanda made the children's costumes. This year, after toggling between being a knight, a digger, an excavator, a cup of coffee, and a dinosaur, Callum decided on being a nutcracker--not merely a 'toy soldier,' like some thought--but, rather, a nutcracker from THE famous ballet...which he loves. He also decided that Maira would be a "pink" nutcracker. What vision. I took this paper on Sunday night at around midnight or so, as Amanda was finishing the costumes.....
Ben, Betsey, Polly, and Brownlow came by to Trick or Treat--although I wish they had time to stay longer and have some of the great chili I made! Polly was an adorable ladybug, and Brownlow was a monkey.....please note Callum's "things" he brought with him: his sword (obviously), his pumpkin trick or treat bag with his name on it that Nannie got him (obviously) and his stuffed puppy named Teddy (obviously).....
Here's Amanda and our adorable, pink, chubby little nutcracker....she loved being dressed up and laughed all night!
I would say we got close to three hundred kids again....we went through seven and a half bags of candy. Callum and the kids started at five (and were done by 5:15) and then we had the rush hour from about 6-730. By 8 the place was a ghost town. I only had two drunk/under the influence of drugs kids this year. My friend Dave can vouch for that! A good year...haha
Bill and Terry across the street gave Callum and Maira their own customized little bags....very cute and thoughtful! Inside Maira's was a box of shortbread butter cookies, which she LOVED. I know someone else in the house--who isnt Callum or me--who also loves these types of cookies....like mother like daughter.....
Our friends Dave and Muriel came by, as they did last year. Unfortunately, in the tumult of putting the kids to bed/eating dinner/cleaning up, we didnt get any pictures of them. Too bad! But we were happy to have them, as always!
Here's me and my wonderful kids as we prepare to go rape the neighborhood of candy......
Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday in Nov.....why can't Halloween always be on a Saturday?? Who says?? Mondays suck for kids and candy.....
Here's me and my wonderful kids as we prepare to go rape the neighborhood of candy......
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