Oh, so Callum can fit into his sister's pyants. Just sayin......
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The longest night of the year...
depresses me. Not because it is the longest night of the year....but because that means that, after tonight, the days start becoming longer again, and that means summer is near. AND I HATE SUMMER. TOO MUCH WORK. Too many things to do. Too much peer pressure. Hate it. I like winter. I go out. I am all alone on the road as I run. No one bugs me. Then I come home to my wood stove and all is good. So shut up.
Oh, so Callum can fit into his sister's pyants. Just sayin......
Advent Family Night at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection was last Friday night. We have a fantastic church with a fantastic message and fantastic people. Just one of many "unsung" heroes of our church is Katie--Maira's good friend. Katie lovingly calls Maira her "littlest girlfriend" (Katie's daughter Meghan, who is in kindergarten, is, of course, Katie's "little girlfriend"). At Advent family night we always have a great meal, do kids crafts, and sing Christmas Carols. Maira and Katie looked on together....
And Callum practically peed his pants during the singing of TWLEVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS....we have a tradition of "acting" out the twelve "gifts" in a charades sort of fashion, and Callum just died laughing....
The other tradition, of course, is Santa Claus showing up to deliver a small gift to the children and deliver the important message about the TRUE meaning of Christmas. This year's Santa looked terrible. Almost sickly. Do you know what I mean? Nonetheless, people said he did a great job....
Lastly, this picture kills me. Callum loves the ATV, but is scared to drive on it because it is too loud. BaBa-the-NJ-lover has a pair of headphones in his garage that one can wear while mowing the lawn, etc. They are NOISE REDUCING headphones. Callum found them one time, and he often wants them around our house, since he is scared by loud noises. He solved his problem by finding the headphones you see below: Koss stereo headphones my dad used to listen to in the 70s (the 1970s)--now I have them and I use them for my keyboard playing. Callum is convinced that they block out noise. Kid is hilarious. Jon took Callum for a little ride.
Oh, so Callum can fit into his sister's pyants. Just sayin......
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I've been looking at this blog for a while....does anyone not think Jared is hot??
So....who the heck is driving that 4 wheeler anyway?? Uncle Jonathan or Mister Callum?? I need to know for an article I'm writing.
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