So I can't believe I forgot to post pictures of Hurricane Irene!!! Here ya go:

That's all. The Goldsmiths didnt "sensationalize" the storm like a lot of other people fact, until it got bad and we lost power, we were having a blast playing outside--Callum really enjoyed the wind. In fact, we wrote a song about running in a hurricane. Wannahearithereitgoes!!
We did lose power, but not to the severity that my sister and buddy Jay lost it. Kris, Anthony, and Jackson were without power for a week!! And Jay was nearly that long. That stinks. All in all we escaped relatively unscathed....just a few bushes blown over (I still need to fix them, actually!)
The canning continues! We are having a blast!! At the Apple Farm in Fairfield, we bought a "flat" of tomatoes for canning--14 pounds of them, for .60 per pound. What a deal. In fact, this past weekend we were there again, and we bought another twenty pounds for the same price. I love canning because a) it is good quality time Amanda and I can spend together listening to reggae or WERU b) we are able to eat fresh Maine produce all through the winter c) there is this 'primal' need to store things up for the winter (like firewood) d) we can give stuff to friends and family e) it ensures the founding fathers are getting their money's worth....

On Labor day (last week) I went over to stack some of BaBa's firewood--he has been having a rough time with her nerves, back, etc. So we made an afternoon out of it and he treated everyone to lobster! We usually do this once a summer with him. As usual, Callum had a blast running around, barefoot, going in the woods and gardens. Maira, too, was loving crawling around in the grass wicked fast!!

Callum was introduced to lobster by his Poppy, when we went out to Fresh Catch a couple of months ago. Callum has always been a fan of lobsters (alive ones in the tank at Hannaford that are his friends!). But we NEVER thought he would be interested in even watching OTHER people eat them....never mind eating them HIMSELF!! Lobsters are that rare food that you eat RIGHT out of the body itself, ya know? But he LOVES them. With Poppy, he ate practically two whole claws and some tail....this past summer, at Thurston's lobster pound, he ate a lobster....and, at BaBa's last week...well....see for yourself.....

Lots to write about in future posts: Cross Country, Tim and Eleni visit, more canning, etc etc.....
oh nice, I notice you don't mention our visit. Just saying.
never mind the mention, not even a picture...even.
I'm sorry. I was unaware anyone in NJ even read this blog
Callum sure does love his lobster!! As fast as I was shelling and cleaning it for him, he was gobbling it down like there was no tomorrow! He's also very interested in the lobster's eyes - not to eat but how they stick out and are looking at him. He was making it talk!! This is one boy starting off on the right foot thanks to poppy.
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