Some people I know are very intelligent people with good inferential skills and strong common sense. They even have great memories and are very accountable. Yet, when it comes to jokes, they have no "joke memory." I am sometimes guilty of this. People dont remember that they JUST told you this same joke, like, YESTERDAY. Sometimes I have heard the same joke in the same DAY from the same person; a few times, I have told someone a joke in the morning, and they have told ME the SAME JOKE in the afternoon. Why do our brains turn to mush when it comes to jokes?
If you are in a situation where you have HEARD the joke before, what do you do? Do you stop the person? I dont. I always let the people tell the joke (although, as far as youtube is concerned, I always tell the person if I have seen it...this way I am not committed to watching a 3 or 4 minute video....jokes usually only take a minute at most). People who say "I've heard this already" are kind of rude. Just humor the person, ya know. What's the big deal, really.
Although, there is an adverse effect to doing this--you become a "joke hostage." I hate being held a joke hostage. A joke hostage exists when the person absolutely has you CAPTIVE while they tell the joke. You already know the punchline. You have heard it before. But you are prisoner while they enjoy themselves. And, as you know, sometimes folks streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettch out an otherwise simple and short joke, adding so many un-needed details (So a guy walks into a bar....the floor is a persian stucco kind of tile...the kind of tile you would see on sale at Home Depot....and, anyway, he walks over to the stool....he's limping a little cuz he was running the other day when he stepped in a pot hole...cuz ya know, the city doesnt keep care of those......) JUST TELL THE JOKE
The last thing is this: At one point do we know that the "joke can" has been opened? Sometimes, it is good to just hear ONE joke. But then there's always that "guy" who needs to one up you or something (well bout this one....?) One person tells the joke. Another person tells another joke. Cant we just stop there? You know as well as I do that at SOME POINT the "floodgates" are open and we are in a full onslaught of jokedom. Right? When does that point exist? How many jokes need to be told before the scales are tipped and we are "live" and engaged in joke tete-a-tete? Jokes are an interesting study in psychology.
Speaking of which.......A Buddhist monk walks into a pizza shop and says to the guy behind the counter, "can you make me one with everything?"
Good stuff.
Here's some other good stuff: A happy little girl and her stuffed kitty....
There are a few things that I learned from this blog (which is a really good one):
1. I can't roll my tongue
2. I have no "joke memory" - I can't remember them to save my life
3. I probably hold everyone "joke hostage" because I love to talk and explain things
4. I love the pictures of the kids and Maira has such a beautiful smile
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