You undoubtedly can tell what this is......right?
Okay. This one. Seriously.
Also, this was taken on Christmas Eve. We were at my dad's house, and this was right before going over to Evelyn and Al's Christmas party where I met one of Barbara's second or third cousins named Tammy, and she totally had a huge crush on me. Besides Amanda, this makes the second girl of all time to have a crush on me. It must have been this sweater. Kris, you dont look too bad yourself, girl! (Oh yeah...I remember I also got rollerblades for Christmas that year...)
I never even knew this existed until today:
I really love this photo here:
This is me and my Papa Goldsmith. I not only love this because my legs look awesome....but also because, come to think of it, I dont have very many pictures of my grandfather and I. My Papa Goldsmith was an extraordinary guy, whose story, as my dad will attest, seems to keep getting extraordinaryer (yes, this is a isnt....but I dont care...), because we keep finding out new things about him--bootlegging, going to Wentworth Institute of Technology, being an amateur arborist and planting a bunch of fruit trees at his old house, being a really good speed skater in Boston, etc. Also, we share the interesting bond in that I officially went into remission from cancer on the day he died of cancer. The list goes on and on.....
This was a picture taken of my mom and I at the L.A.Gear Hair Products Symposium '92. The next day was the "frosted jeans" National Summit, so I think we were around for the whole weekend. Wow. My mom tells me this was taken at our friends The Shaw's house (?) I dont remember the circumstances. But I have on a Michigan sweatshirt because I was a total bandwagon jumper and everyone else work Michigan stuff.. Good times.
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