Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday of the year, for many reasons. I love it even more than Christmas....because it STARTS the Christmas season...but enough about that. Just enjoy everyone! I am trying to suck the marrow out of this week! A big shout out and hug to my Mass and CT family, with whom we will not be this year, as it is our "Maine" year. But we will see you all in just a few weeks for Christmas stuff. And a big shout out to the "FoundingFathers" of Shells, Jawnb, and Efth, for whom I am grateful beyond imagination. I spend most of my waking hours trying to think of ways to make fun of them and get them all pissed off, but, as anyone who knows me truly knows, I love them like brothers. Well, not really Tim though. He is barely even an American.
This afternoon, while it NorEastered ouside, Amanda and the kids (and me to a little extent) made their annual gingerbread house...Callum (inspired by me of course) had this idea to put his Playmobil Santa and reindeer up on the roof of the house. Watching Callum and Maira do the house is an psychological textbook lecture to say the least...Callum is an absolute perfectionist and gets pissed if things arent PERFECTLY STRAIGHT....and Maira is a devious little devil who just tries to pilfer the candy when she thinks no one is looking.....
A fantastic day-before-Thanksgiving....huge snowstorm....gingerbread houses...Christmas records (the vinyl kind)...good stuff. We are supposed to get almost 18 inches of snow, perhaps. Maybe a little #xtc before heading to Readfield for Thanksgiving tomorrow....

While Sally, Lin, and Maira went over to BaBa's to meet up with Michelle and make pies (got all that?) Callum and I worked our tails off to make applesauce.....we got a LOT done and the house smelled great! Our dear friend Chris (the other XC coach) just lost her mom unexpectedly...so we brought her a quart of sauce, and Callum made her a nice card too. Very sweet.
Having a great, crazy, zany time with the #JerseyShore as usual when they come up....last night we went to Cancun for supper, and no one left unsatisfied, as we will tomorrow, cuz BaBa only got like a five pound turkey for 14 people....llz....tomorrow should be fun....tons of snow for the Newfies to play in, etc. One of the traditions is that, on Thanksgiving night, some folks head down to LLBean to shop. Hmmm....will I go???
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