Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Summer Plans??


So, since last night we had a winter storm warning (and some parts of Maine got a ton of snow), and since right now we have a fire going (like we have for the past two nights), and since it is almost May, I thought we would ponder our summer plans. What are yours? As you know--if you know me well--I absolutely positively HATE the summer. We talk about moving to Minnesota or Alaska or Newfoundland, since we hate the heat and want as much cold weather as possible. I HATE THE SUMMER. But anyway, here is what is on tap for the Goldsmith family

1. A season pass to Lake George park, where we'll go several times per week to swim, canoe, explore bugs and fish and turtles, and stop at Oak Pond Brewery at the way back...
2. Lots of long bike rides--Amanda and I would like to do an overnight ride (not where we ride through the night, but where we stay at a hotel, with our bikes, and ride for a couple of days)
3. MS Ride for the Cure: I will be doing this in August. Last year I did the Trek Across Maine, which was awesome. But more people closer to my heart are living with MS. And not that the Lung Association (Trek fundraiser) isnt great and all.....but just dont smoke!
4. Trip to NJ to see the Real Housewives of NJ, eat crab, tour the QVC studios, and maybe get some cheesesteaks.
5. Several trips to Mt Desert Island, since Callum is now an ocean freak
6. The Adirondacks (?) We will have to see about this one. We went last year, but it is a ten hour ride. I dont know. Our heart wants to go.....
7. Visits with the Kranthonys: Hopefully no one will have to go to the ER this time, and hopefully they wont have any more ragers at their house while we are staying there (wah wah wah)
8. Camp Greenlaw. We'd love to get out and see our neighbors on China Lake more this summer. It is awesome to get out, have some drinks, and let Callum drive Uncle Dana-the-Pirate's party boat...
9. Firewood.
10. Firewood again
11. Sitting in the cool basement to escape the oppressive heat (oppressive, for me, is anything about 70)
12. Nannie is taking everyone to the cape for a week....
13. Dirty Weekend '10!!! I am greatly looking forward to this. Sometime in late August. The boys come up. We go to the Forks. The rest is privileged information.
14. VBS: Amanda and I are helping out with Vacation Bible School at church. Word is I have to dress up like a bee. A yellow bee. In tights
15. Triathlons and such and such.....


Anonymous said...

you forgot Callum's birthday, dah

jared said...

Callum's birthday is June 14. June, in Maine, is by no means "summer."

MeeMee said...

How about taking down a barn? Oh my gosh!!! It's snowing!!

Hey Nannie - does the trip to the cape include ALL of us??!!!