1. Did you ever notice how in New England, all of our radio stations start with "W," as in WZOU, WCSH, WBCN, and more? But, seemingly everywhere else, they start with "K?" Even as close as New York this happens. Every station is like "K-Rock" or "K-Star" or something like that. Why won't New Englander's keep it real with the rest of the country? Why do we hold on to our Puritan radio station heritage?
2. Okay . . .who is sick of that show "Prison Break?" I think the show is on its third season now. I've never watched it because it looks stupid. Look. You either break out of prison, or you don't. Make up your mind and stop screwing around. How do they hold people's interest? Just do it already.
3. A famous saying from some famous radio DJ--and one that shows up in all those cheesy quote books you get at Hallmark stores--is "Reach for the moon . . .even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." Wicked stupid. First of all, you won't "land" anywhere . . .there's no gravity idiot. Second, why would you want the moon anyway? If you were really serious about your goal, wouldnt you INITIALLY go for the stars anyway? They're much more prestigious, yes yes? Third, if you missed the moon, you couldnt possibly land among the stars, since the nearest star is lightyears away. Whoever said that quote is an idiot. There. I just ruined your Hallmark card.
4. Its time that pizza toppings undergo a revolution, and I am more than happy to front this cause. For too long, we Americans have been complacent in our pepperoni's and our green onions and our mushrooms. Finally, pineapple and bacon--two maverick toppings--have come into their own right in mainstream pizza culture. But let's take it a step further. I'm talkining fried macaroni and cheese balls, Chinese boneless spare ribs, peanut butter sauce, scrapple, deep fried cheese cake, and chicken wings. Don't fear the topping! Let's get creative. How about this: a pizza topped with Geno's pizza rolls? Double pizza=twice the fun.
5. Kudos to the "Airstream" Company for keeping it real after all these years. Airstream makes those classic camper trailers out of the wicked shiny metal. While just about every other company changes their designs with the times, (think car models, sneakers, kitchen appliances, etc) Air Stream has totally kept it real, not changing their 50's inspired aerodynamic design. I wish I could keep it real.
6. I was looking at my Red Ryder BB gun tonight (ha ha . . .I have it now Dad!) and I was just thinking about now those same guns are made with cheap plastic Chinese lead product, and not the rich walnut wood like I have (back when I was a kid . . . .etc). But what made me laugh was the warning on the box that read: "Warning--this is not a toy." The box has cartoon drawings of cowboys and indians on it. Of course its a toy. What is it, an M-4?
7. Anyone remember the Pippi Longstocking movies? What about Fatty Finn?
8. When April 15th rolls around, and everyone files their taxes, what happens with Al Shartpton and Jesse Jackson? I guess what I am saying is: What the heck do they DO? I mean, besides complain. For example, when they get a paycheck (and they must get paid, since they are all filthy rich) what does their check "say," and where is it "from?" What exactly "are" these guys anyway?
I think the radio station thing is based on geography. East of the missippi starts with W and west of the miss starts with K. I like things.
Do you know which end of the barrel the BB comes out of yet?
K Rock in New York City is actually WKRQ, come to find out.
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