So this is a quick, random blog about our weekend. Sorry its so short, but I am missing the Pats CRUSH the overly arrogant Shaun Merriman and his little cute band of Chargers.
The pictures are of Dennis Basso, my favorite faux fur jacket designer. He features his products on QVC, which I have become addicted to. He is perhaps the most flamboyant character I have seen on television--but is mysteriously addictive to watch; I truly love seeing his shows even though I have no interest in faux fur, faux suede, or leopard print coats. I do a pretty good imitation of his voice, for those interested in seeing it done live. Is it wrong that I like him?
I am totally addicted to the "iPod song" featured in the new "Nano" commercials. The name of the song is called "1 2 3 4" by an artist named "Feist." I kind of feel like a tenth grade girl on the swim team, but I really love the song. Just another thing to make me feminine, I guess
Amanda baked some delicious cookies yesterday, and I have been snacking on them all night. We cooked a delicious ham, which we will use for soup later in the week. Yesterday I watched the sox crush the Yankees, and then we went to the Asian Cafe for dinner--for my money the best restaurant around. Other than that, we just sort of enjoyed the prospect of having nothing really "to do." Amanda painted a table Mom gave us a while ago--she also painted and refinished a coat rack Cindy and Dana gave us for our new room. Thomas has been super affectionate, like he always does when the weather gets cooler (its so strange how this happens) so we have been snuggling with him. And oh yeah . . .we ordered one of those "Food Savers" from QVC (I told you . . .I probably am going to start menopause soon) and we had some fun vacuum sealing the crap out of leftover ham and some cookies. Food, when vacuum sealed with the Food Saver, can last in the freezer for almost two years!! That is wonderful.
Off to get showered and catch the last quarter of the game . . .
Too bad you didn't watch the Yanks crush the Sox on Sunday.
That is a catchy little tune, and i sing it myself, in fact i jsut asked someone the other day what the name of that song was.
also, i have a food savor packed up donwstairs, you could of had it, i think i have said before it was down there, oh well.
Cha Cha
excuse me "belle," but a two run deficit is not "Crushing" thank you very much! But they did lose. That is because Schilling is DONE
Red Sox Nation
Hi Belle,
Sorry for Jared's 'wicked' immature friends and their 'wicked' stupid comments. Don't worry - Jared is giving them the silent treatment. The Yankees do suck, but we love you anyway.
Thanks Amanda and Jared!
I was going to say "What's up with the rude F U remarks?" That's why they want to remain anonymous.
Let's keep it nice and clean, people. I don't want any swearing or rude comments on my blog please.
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