Adventure filled stories from smalltown Maine, starring Jared, Amanda, Callum, and MAIRA!!!
Example #4: Messy closet hanger thingy
Finally! Someone with some real vision! This disgruntled dry cleaner employee decided to take his art "to the street," showcasing his work in a world renowned museum. A bunch of clothes hangers hang from the ceiling. Hey . . .at least it took some time to do . . .its more complicated than construction paper, right?
Example #5: Umm . . . .
Like. Um. Yeah. This is a metal bed frame. And it sits in the middle of the floor. And you're not allowed to touch it. Because its art. As you can see, I'm mesmerized (just like the previous one and the next one too). As a side note, I think it would be fun to actually name these pieces. I forget what they were all called in real life, but this one should be something like "Nursing Home Lamentations" or "Sanatorium Waltz" to represent the conformity that exists as we all "sleep" in our "beds"---which are "society" after all. And we only "think" we're "sleeping," since we all conform . . . .and the beds symbolize our "stale identities," and blah, blah, blah, I'm so full of crap it isnt funny . . . .
Example # 6: Fruity Fruit basket
Again, I'm completely taken by the artistic vision of putting oranges, lemons, and limes into a basket purchased at the Christmas Tree Shop. Its truly remarkable, and I hope the artist at least gives him or herself AT LEAST a week of vacation after some really hard, painstaking work. Great job.
So what do YOU think? Is this art? Do I have a point? Or am I just too stupid to "get it?"
I will post some more pics later. . . .for some reason, blogger only lets me post 5 pictures at a time . . .I dont know why . . .
Here is Mike and I in front of the Lincoln Memorial. It is a lot bigger than most people realize--a huge statue!
Me and the REAL sign from M.A.S.H. I did this mostly from my wife and mother in law, who are the world's biggest M.A.S.H. fans. This was in the Smithsonian. I dont know why I look so sad . . .I really am having a wonderful time!
Vote for Goldsmith in two thousand and never! But this is what I would look like ordering fried rice and boneless spare ribs if I were president. . . .
Eat your heart out Sally Piles . . . Johnny is MINE! The wax museum was amazing . . .and kind of creepy, I have to say . . .
From l to r: The three chaperones, and the "49th kid" on the trip. Scott and April Wood, Mike Thurston, and Jared enjoy a true Broadway dinner before going to see the most amazing theatrical performance of my life. I think Mike looks very presidential . . .dont you? I'm off to bed. Talk to you tomorrow. Its good to be home with my wife and son--even though I cant see him yet. But his daddy did pick him up a little present: his first pair of Osh Kosh overalls . . .they are "train engineer" striped and they'll be cute for the fall . . .