So this weekend Amanda's mom threw her a little "surprise" shower--her family from New Jersey made the trip up to "surprise" Amanda. Also, his Nannie, Papa Goldsmith, Auntie KK, and Babs-Babs drove up on Saturday morning. It was nice to see everyone, albeit for a short visit. The Zoo (what we call the New Jerseyians) actually came up on Wednesday night, and they are leaving tomorrow, so we got to spend a few good times with them (also, they gave the bean his first piece of "Phillies" apparel--as you can see from the above photo!). I brought our camera, but I didnt get to take any photos . . .so all these pictures are credited to George (thanks George).
It is pretty overwhelming getting so much stuff, and for now we have just made a huge pile in Thomas's room. And, in a month when my mom throws her a shower for the "Mass. Crowd," I know we will get another huge load.
Okay . . .sorry this is so short . . .my computer is driving me crazy . . .for some reason, I have a WICKED slow Internet connection tonight, and its making me angry. Its like typing underwater or something. See you tomorrow!
your internet is slow because you don't have Verizon FIOS. I Also want to say congrts!!! Hope you got a lot of fun things to put together. Jared, remember there are always left over pieces so don't worry. Haha
It was a fun time. I made several new friends inculuding my new best friend Miley, I even got invited to Jump You!
I liked reading to my little man and feeling him squirm.
My cake was very yummy thank you. Uncle Twon and Chelsea had some last night.
Oh and don't worry, I didn't hide ANYTHING in your house
Your shower looks fun, Amanda and Jared. I have a few things you and your little one, so maybe sometime when things have settled down, we could get together and do dinner, so I can give them to you. Do you have a registry anywhere?
I'm glad you enjoyed the magazines, Amanda. I also get Real Simple and Oprah...(don't even start, Jared) Would you be interested in either one of those when I get done reading them?
MIchelle, I also enjoyed all the magazines at Jared & Amanda's house...Thanks!
It was good seeing all of Amanda's family. Amanda you looked great. We can't wait for the little bean to arrive.
I had the best time. It's always fun when we all get together. Wasn't it fun Amanda shopping for your shower????? The shower was great fun and can't wait to see you all in August. Can't wait to meet the "Bean".
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