I just realized I havent posted a blog since last Thursday. I guess I just havent given a crap.
Ha ha
I put my homemade baked beans on last night before I went to bed, so that by this morning they were done. I got up several times during the night to add water to the pot, and I kept having bad dreams about my beans and how they were overflowing or how Thomas was eating them, or whatever. It was weird. This morning Amanda and I went to church, as is our usual custom on Sundays. And when we got back, I immediately put the ham in the oven. This year's ham was by far the best ham I've ever made--it was a "Mello Gold" ham that I picked up at Josephs in Waterville . . .we get all of our meat there now. To heck with Scamaford. This ham was both incredibly moist AND pretty low in sodium. So everyone wins. George, Bud, and Edna came over around 2 and George immediately started putting some snacks out . . ..

We have a long standing joke with George and his snacks: George is somewhat of a gourmet, constantly on the search for all types of arcane spreads and cheeses. He is known for his appetizers! And, whenever he travels (either here or to the grandparents), he transports his snacks in a large Margarita's takeout bag. Hence, the sight of the "big Marg's bag" is a harbinger of a good afternoon and evening of eating to come. Today's dinner was a "Margarita's affair." (Editor's note: Please dont confuse the fact that I like the Margarita's "bag" with the idea that I somehow like Margarita's "food" now. The restaurant still sucks, and the food tastes like a turd covered in burnt hair).
This isnt the best picture to accentuate Amanda's belly, but you can get an idea of just how "big" she is getting. Mel and Jonathan came over after brunch with Mel's parents, and Mel remarked: "Amanda, you are the skinniest pregnant person I've ever seen!" Amanda, a superb baker, made "chocolate raspberry torte dream" for dessert. It was excellent, as are all her baked goods. Here is her making it . . .

And here is the finished product. Doesnt it look delicious? (and the cake looks good too!!)

For dinner we had baked ham with Jared's special homemade pineapple glaze, homemade baked beans, cole slaw, green bean casserole, and Grandmom's special "pear and jello salad." I guess Amanda grew up eating this dish. We all cleaned up while Jonathan went and laid on the living room floor as usual, and then we all looked at my pictures and videos from D.C. I talked to my mom, dad, and sister, who were all in CT today, and Kristin had a very funny "BBQ" story to share with me. I would tell you, but I think she should post it herself on her blog--which seems to have been on hiatus. I think you should all email her or leave a comment on her last blog entry, encouraging her and Twon to resurrect the site.
A very busy week ahead: birthing class tomorrow, midwife appt. Tuesday, New Jerseyites arriving Wednesday, concert on Friday. And sometime this week, I have to find the time to practice my nude yoga sessions . . .busy busy busy . . .
Panda your cake looks soooo good!
I made grandmoms famous jello pear mold AGAIN this year and it finally turned out. I say again because every year I have made it, the jello has never gotten firm. Grandmom would be proud.
I'm glad you all had a nice Easter. It's a shame Aunt Lynne was sick. I hope she starts feeling better.
Maybe some year we can all be together for Easter and all our kids can have a big Easter egg hunt like me, Panda, John & Keith had growing up!
It was great talking to you tonight Amanada! We need to do it more often! :)
Oh so silly me, I was trying to play the role like we weren't coming up but I've just learned that Panda knows. Me and Emma wanted it to be a surprise. Oh well now I can tell you how excited we are to be arriving on Wens.
We cant wait to see you!!!
Oh and Jared please do not practice your nude yoga while we are there. Thats not something we really need to see.
Let me start off by saying how wonderful Amanda looks and how wonderful that dessert looked! I see George was doing his favorite thing, cooking. Sorry to hear about the M.I.L. I will call her tomorrow. Can't wait to come up. We are going to have so much fun as usual. Maybe Jared could make one of his special meals for us!!!!
Love to you both and of course the Bean. Oh and for the record, I'd like to see Jared do his yoga.
Happy Easter, Jared, Amanda, bean, and Thomas!
Well, I was trying to pretend like I didn't know you guys were coming up... silly me! But I'm wicked excited to see you and I think I'm going to take Friday off!
I have the recipe for the pear jello, but I've never tried to make it. I think I'm afraid that it just won't turn out as good as either Aunt Helen's or Grandmom's.
It was really great to talk with you too, Michelle. I agree - we need to talk more!
See you all soon!
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