Anyway, a good trip down memory lane.
Amanda does such an awesome job decorating the house that I wanted to show some of you out-of-staters just how nice our home looks. Last year, I posted a photo of our manger set, which was made by a friend of ours, who makes his living as a farrier (sp?). This is a person who makes horseshoes, and he made all our manger figures out of horseshoe nails. This year, Amanda decided Callum needed his own little manger, complete with fat little wisemen that could be inserted into little mouths....
Our tree really looks great, and it still smells nice too. I couldnt possibly photograph every little trinket, but I wanted you to get the "big picture." Amanda even slung holly and poinsettia flowers over all the window treatment thingys (I dont know what they are called, but you can see them, right?)
And my favorite part (besides the tree) would have to be our "grand staircase." Ha ha. I absolutely LOVE the nutcrackers (and some of them are worth quite a bit!) that "preside" on the steps. And I love how garland and holly berries adorn the banisters. Very classy. You can tell I have nothing to do with the decorating....
Grandpop leaves on Wednesday for New Jersey, where he'll spend Christmas with the Doveys and Chiemiegos. We'll miss him. But he came by last night to enjoy some Asian Cafe, and I snapped this picture of Ensign and "future Ensign" sharing a moment. I just love this picture--Callum is so focused on his "P-Pop." Callum is very lucky to have both been loved and held by two of his great grandparents. I never knew any of my greats, and neither did Amanda. So Callum, grandpop, and Amanda and I are all very blessed to see this happen.
I think next I'll write about Christmas movies....not just the "mainstream" ones, but the "cult classics." I will not, however, write about Christmas albums....Christmas albums are where recording artists go to die. Except NKOTB--whose Christmas album kicked ASS!
Nannie says she loves the photos, I look pretty good as a clown, I think we all looked good.
Callum is so cute, his hair had gotten so long. He's changing every day.... He really does look mezmorized by hie P-Pop.
Lucky little guy.....
Can't wait to see his xmas photos .
The Osmonds , Barbara Mandrell and John Denver were my favorite xmas albums, I still have them, maybe I should pull out Kristin's Fisher PRice Record Player and play some xmas tunes.
Great blog, beautifull job Amanda on the decorations, it looks great.My favorite Xmas music was Nat King Cole, Johnny Mathis and the Carpenters, oh yea, don't foget the Beach Boys.
Does Callum have a mowhawk??
I think he needs bigger jammies, I can see his little leg rolls.
I liked Mickey's Xmas Carol record and my Sesame Street one, I like the smell of records.
Jared- are you wearing blush in the halloween picture?
Your house looks great! Amanda you did a wonderful job. I just LOVE that picture of P-Pop and Callum. It's adorable. Thanks for sharing the pictures Jared. We miss you guys!
I have to disagree Jared, the Charlie Brown Christmas album KICKS ASS!!!!!! Just ask Amanda
Sorry guys...but the Charlie Brown christmas album conveys the feeling that christmas is somehow some type of somber affair. Just listen to "Christmas Time is Here." They all sound like they just lost their best friends.
Belle, you are MY best friend
Great blog post.
Allow me a friendly comment.
You do not correctly portray a 'Ninja' in that photograph.
A 'Ninja' (warrior practicing the martial art of ninjitsu) would not 'trick or treat'.
Ninjas are swift and silent. If you see one...it is but the faint remnant of pure energy left behind.
Ninjas have throwing stars and cool powders that make 'explosion exits' possible.
Ninjas wear black mostly and cover their heads and faces.
Ninjas wear their swords across their backs...sometimes two of them.
Ninjas can climb walls and jump from at least 3 stories high to kick your ass (without you knowing about it).
Ninjas are not afraid of Chuck Norris.
In that photo, you are portraying Daniel from the Karate Kid.
- Dwight
the funniest comment EVER on this blog. well done.
FACT: Ninjas wear black
FACT: Ninjas. Eat. Beets.
I agree with Belle. The Charlie Brown Christmas album is pretty much the best ever. Jared - just admit it. You like it too. Christmas wouldn't be the same without it. Nor would Thanksgiving, right Michelle?
Harry for the Holidays (Harry Connick Jr.) is a very close second for me.
Jared,Thankyou for posting the picture of Callum with P-Pop. It's so priceless and brought tears to my eyes (which is not hard to do these days). Callum is a lucky little man to have known and know his great grands. I know that they loved and love him very much. I just wish mom could be here to see how he is growing and changing. I know that she would love it. P-Pop really got a kick out of seeing Callum do his "thing" in the jump-r-oo! Great gift, Annie.
The house and tree are beautiful. I taught Amanda everything she knows about decorating.ha ha
Nannie, says, OH MY STARS I got to get my name showing, hopefully I will remember every time I respond now.
Nannie, says, OH MY STARS I got to get my name showing, hopefully I will remember every time I respond now.
Hopefully Jared will be coming out with his Christmas album soon!!!
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