I really miss my family, and I am really disappointed that this weekend didnt work out; my mom always throws a big "clubhouse style" party on the Sunday before Christmas, and I look forward to seeing family I otherwise never get to see. Plus, this is Callum's first Christmas. So I'm pretty down actually. And it just seemed like nothing worked out this weekend with other plans either. Oh well. But today has been a good day, church had their children's pageant this morning, which is always nice to see. Plus, its just been snowing and snowing all day. I put on a homemade beef stew this morning, and I've been trying to keep the house warm with the stove. We also took a break to watch Charlie Brown Christmas. Clearly, Callum was mesmerized....
Look at how good he is getting at sitting up by himself. And check out those cheeks
I became nostalgic about Christmas this weekend, being as how I knew I wouldnt get down to see my family. Christmas music always played a huge role in my house growing up, and both my mom and dad have an extensive collection of RECORDS. (arent those those black things with grooves in them?) Top records I remember listening to around Christmas include Willie Nelson's "Pretty Paper" album, and Barbara Mandrell's "Christmas at Our House" record. I reminisced yesterday, searching for them on iTunes. This was when life was good....before idiots like Mariah Crapey and Jessica Crapson came out with Christmas albums.
Switching gears, Callum is getting really good at sitting up by himself! Look at this....he even reaches for stuff. One other thing we've noticed lately is how he is beginning to get upset if you take things he wants away from him. Oh goody!

As we were wrapping gifts this weekend, Amanda and I had the discussion about how Callum's gifts will be "divvied up" when he's older--which ones will be from US, from SANTA, etc. She asked me how my parents did it. It brought back a funny memory--my dad always wrote "from Santa," but my mom got a little more....creative. For example, after we reached the age of 12 or 13 or so, the tags STOPPED saying "from Santa," and STARTED saying they were from random people (who were supposed to be a clue for what we were getting). For example, one year I got a microscope, and the tag said "To: Jared From: Mr. Wizard." Or, if I was getting an MC Hammer tape, it would say "From: MC Hammer." If I got a baseball glove, it would say "From: Jason Varitek," and etc. and etc. It was just that "nice touch" that encouraged me to give up any last notion that there was, in fact, a Santa Claus....haha
As we were wrapping gifts this weekend, Amanda and I had the discussion about how Callum's gifts will be "divvied up" when he's older--which ones will be from US, from SANTA, etc. She asked me how my parents did it. It brought back a funny memory--my dad always wrote "from Santa," but my mom got a little more....creative. For example, after we reached the age of 12 or 13 or so, the tags STOPPED saying "from Santa," and STARTED saying they were from random people (who were supposed to be a clue for what we were getting). For example, one year I got a microscope, and the tag said "To: Jared From: Mr. Wizard." Or, if I was getting an MC Hammer tape, it would say "From: MC Hammer." If I got a baseball glove, it would say "From: Jason Varitek," and etc. and etc. It was just that "nice touch" that encouraged me to give up any last notion that there was, in fact, a Santa Claus....haha
I dont want any school tomorrow. I mean, I only have two days this week....but I just dont feel like shovelling....
Well I certainly missed not having you three here for my xmas party today, almost everyone showed up, even Santa (played by Richie S.) came to give out gifts to all the kiddies.
Since my little guy couldn't make it to his first xmas party, we brought him along in spirt, I printed his photos off the internet, put them on a cardboard back ground and colered the borders with xmas colors and had Merry Xmas on one photo and Happy Hannukah on the other, so everyone did in fact get to see him in his xmas attire. I had a couple of small easel's you use for photos and they sat in them all day for all 50' something or so people to see.
It was snowing and then sleet and icy rain here today, so it wouldn't have been a good drive back to Maine.
Well I can't wait to see my little guy this week, let's hope the weather holds out for me to get my visit in.
and by the way, my gift tags are still hints, of what's inside the package.
Nannie said that her first comment wasn't printing on the blog, I hope it made it.
oh well.....
Me and computers don't work so good together sometimes....
Hopefully next year we can switch up the holiday's so that Christmas is down here so the boys can be together for our little ones first Christmas.
Jared - I'm sorry you weren't able to get down to see your family...I know that must be hard. Hopefully you'll be able to make it down over vacation! I, too, am hoping that we don't have school tomorrow...we had a great time this weekend. Hope it cheered you up a little bit!
Sorry about not having a cell phone voicemail message.
We did miss having you guys here for the party. Nannie did a good job of representing Callum in his adorable Christmas outfits. Isn't it nice to see that Nannie doesn't have to go anonymous anymore. what a big girl. We are so proud of her.
I must say, Callum looks rather cute sitting in Daddy's (?) lap by the way, that's my little snow removal outfit, hehe. I love his side profile, hahaha, he has such nice cheeks
Is Callum storing food in those cheeks? I missed seeing all of you, and I epecially missed the PICKLE DIP.
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