1. Christmas ornaments. I love them. Mom and Dad used to let Jonathan and I buy a new one every year and now I have them for our tree. I must say that Jared loves some of the ones I picked out. Especially the balloons - right Jared? But I just love ornaments. My favorite ones by far are the ones that used to hang on my grandparents tree. I say 'used to' because two years ago they gave some of my favorites to me to have for my tree. Those and my grandmother's cookie press have to be two of the best gifts I've ever received. The ornaments are antiques, and here are a few pictures:
Don't even ask me what this is. I just like it.
I call these the cupcakes.
2. We have had many Christmases (is this a word?) this year. The latest being at Jonathan and Mel's apartment with my parents, Grandpop, Mel's parents, Jared, Callum and I. And Lub. And clam dip. We had a great dinner of American Chop Suey provided by Dad and some desserts provided by Dotkins. We had the gift exchange for those of us who hadn't exchanged yet and Melathan still had their tree up so the Christmas spirit was alive even though it was January 10. Callum was a very good boy and even went to sleep for a while so Jared and I could stay and visit.
Mel and Jonathan gave Jared a great tie for Christmas. It has Callum's picture all over it. And I got a Callum Goldsmith puzzle! Sorry, you can't really see the tie in this picture...

3. Callum is growing too fast. I feel like time is just slipping away from me and I fear that I'm not going to remember everything that Callum is doing. I have been trying to write in his baby book a few times a week, so I think that will help.
He is getting really good at sitting up by himself so he was sitting on the kitchen floor playing with some spoons and tupperware. I told Jared that we didn't have to get him anything for Christmas -- we could have just given him some kitchen utensils, boxes and wrapping paper and he would have been happy as could be!
3. Callum is growing too fast. I feel like time is just slipping away from me and I fear that I'm not going to remember everything that Callum is doing. I have been trying to write in his baby book a few times a week, so I think that will help.
Today, I'm excited to announce, I found his first tooth. Well, Mom actually saw that it was coming a few days ago, but today I actually saw the tooth poking through his gum. It is the cutest thing in the whole world! I'm sorry, but just when I thought this kid couldn't get any more adorable, he goes and gets a tooth. I can't even stand myself. We had a great time this evening cooking dinner for Daddy. We were making a variation on Daddy's favorite dish -- spinach, leek and cheese strudel. Here is Callum keeping track of the wooden spoons for me.
Daddy is at his class at Joseph's Market tonight, Callum is sleeping and I'm going to go do some knitting...

hehehe, the picture of Callum with the wooden spoon is too cute! the only thing we were missing last weekend was Christmas music! ha
You're right! I didn't even think of Christmas music! That's okay -- at least we had some jazz on instead of the Playboy bunny show that was on when we first got there :)
yeah...too bad it was the kind of jazz you hear in Ames or in Crapera (panera) on Sunday mornings.....(wah wah wah)
Amanda , i love your blogs. you should write more of them. i think your writing would bring parity to this blog, as it would equalize my smart-ass, biting, cynical "sense of humor" that seems to piss off this "anonomyous" character so much. I wonder where he or she is this morning? Probably, once again, watching women's volleyball in the dark with the sound turned all the way down.
but seriously, nice job sally piles. plus, some people only comment when you write, so it is good to see who still reads this thing....
Amanda, Jared is right, you really do a good job on your blogs. Oh my GOD, Callum has a tooth , time for spare ribs. Try giving him some pots and pans with the spoons, and see him go to town.
I like Jared. We snuggle
WOW, right on his 7 month birthday too he gets a tooth.........can't wait to see it.
time for some gerber snacks.
nannie will have to get him some "SNACK!!!"....
Well its time to tell you all, When I babysat Callum on New Years eve during the day I fed him a chicken wing
I still comment even though jared never comments on ours. Just saying.
I still read it I just don't always comment! sorry about the playboy bunny show, Amanda.....hahaha
I still read it I just don't always comment! sorry about the playboy bunny show, Amanda.....hahaha
Loved your blog, Amanda...it has such a different tone from Jared's, and I loved the pictures of the ornaments you posted. Some of my favorites are ones that have been handed down through the years. The pictures of Callum are so cute - every time I see him, he's gotten so much bigger!
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