The inauguration was actually pretty interesting and progressive for its religious references, and, if I were a non-Christian, I would probably be pretty upset. But, since I am a Christian who actually remembers that this great nation was founded by Christians with Christian ideals, I thought it was fantastic. Although very ironic. The minister who did the opening prayer is an OUTSPOKEN opponent of gay marriage (see the cartoon...hehe). And he ended his prayer with "in Jesus's name." Also, President Obama quoted scripture (from the Holy Bible). And the minister who did the closing prayer is himself homosexual, and, I found, quite racist in his comments. He'll go down in history I'm sure for his "and the browns can stick around....and the red man can get ahead man...." comedy. But, if you listen closely, the last thing he says is "and whites can do what's right," referring to the way in which whites, according to him, are perhaps the principle "wrong-doers" of our society. This, unfortunately, just continues to propagate more racism, as it creates a rift in our different ethnicity's. How is this not reverse discrimination? It was uncalled for for such a day such as this.
Some druggie they found on the street read a poem (sorry, but what the hell was that???), and Aretha Franklin left her voice at home, under her "big" hat; she made "God Bless America" sound like a cat getting raped. Oh well.
Izhtak Perlman and Yo Yo Ma were spellbinding in their John Williams piece: "Air and Simple Things." Nice to see one of my people (haha) being included in the festivities. Which reminds me.....where were all my Jewish brothers and sisters when Joe Lieberman was making such a noble run for the white house? That was historic, wasnt it? Ha ha....Mazel Tov, my friends....
Well, I'm off to watch the "Neighborhood Ball," where Jamie Fox, the MC, just remarked how "we can tell we have a black president by the way he just danced to that hot Beyonce song." Again, not to propagate more stereotypes or anything....
I look forward to us all being AMERICANS again.

I am amazed to be the first commenter... I figured you'd have all sorts of verbal sparring on here by now. It was an interesting inauguration indeed, and I look forward to what the future holds. I personally liked the way the minister broke it down at the end of his speech... I didn't find it racist.
Anywho, give Callum a belly kiss for me.
I have decided that, from this point on, if you are going to make a cowardly, anonymous comment, and not have the courage to put your name, then I'll just delete it.
Plus, I am done with blog drama. God more important things to do
Have a great night everyone....
Please don't delete the comments from "anonymous" - I have the feeling he's kinda cute. You know, in that insecure, live with your mom at age 35, tiny winkie kind of way. I think he's dreamy! You know, chitterlings have poop in them. Just saying.
Your blog should not contain Politics or Religion, even though I know its all in fun , some people do not.
I think Ortiz should start his own blog! "Here and there with Henry" or "My Day" or such and such
He could write about where to get the best spare ribs, how to go to bed at 7:30 pm, or the "proper" way to shovel one's driveway....
Also, I see "anon's" last comment was posted at 11:11. This tells me one of four things:
1. Either your shift at McDonalds ended at 11, and you rushed home to jump on myspace and goldsmith5
2. The women's volleyball you're watching in the dark with no sound on went to commercial
3. You are actually up, past 11, looking at this blog, when other people are in bed (because they go to work the next day)
4. The 1-900 number you usually call was busy, and you had nothing else to do
If you ever do find out who he is, can you let me know?
Hey Anon - me: SWF, full-figured, lonely, disease-free (I think), 7th grade graduate. I'm into miniature cat figurines, bubble baths, shaving my back, and counting the moles on my body. I'm looking for someone with little or no self-esteem who I can dominate. You seem to fit the bill. PLEASE contact me, you are the mental midget I've been looking for!
What the heck???? I miss all the good comments! See I only get on here during my work hours when I need a little break, but I guess I should set me alarm for after 11:00pm to read the really good stuff :)
Love to all the Goldsmith's from the Chiemiego clan! xoxo
you people are weird. Except you, Belle & Jared.
actually, I'd like to give Karen a whatfor.....she sounds perfect
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