Hi this is Callum. Daddy said I could do a PILTDOGS tonight, and I will tell him what to say so he can type it. A place that I love is called Governor's Restaurant in Waterville. It is one of my favorite restaurants EVER (but I only have 8 months to work with here people). One of the reasons I love Governor's so much is because of all the great memories I have with so many special people. It is, actually, the only restaurant all of my grandparents have been to--my grammy, grampy, and P-Pop love to eat there regularly, and my Nannie and Papa ate there on the day I was born last June!! Also, my Auntie KK and Uncle Twon love Governor's as well, and mom and dad went with them a couple of weeks before I was born (Uncle Twon took some really great "late pregnancy" pics of mommy right outside Gov's). Uncle Jon and Mel like it there too, but they like Craparitas a lot better. Governors is also a favorite place of many of mommy and daddy's friends like Andrea, Jason and Jen, and Brian and Melissa--they all love the Gov's!
I also like Governor's because of the neato electric choo choo train that goes all around the ceiling of the dining room....it even has a Maine Central locomotive...like my daddy has, but never uses! The waitresses are really pretty and they all like me and they all come over to me and say how big I am and how they remember mommy when she was pregnant with me. I tell mommy this means she and daddy go there too much!
Tonight, my parents took me to Gov's because it was kids night! They had arts and crafts, music, balloon animals, and facepainting. But our hostess sat us right in front of the dessert case, and I couldnt NOT take my eyes off it! It even spins around...just the like my favorite ceiling fan at home!
Phew....what a great night at the restaurant. I was so tired after all my balloons, mashed potatoes, dessert gazing, and bath taking that, as soon as daddy put me down in my crib to dress me in my PJs, I rolled right over and tried to go to sleep! This is a fun game I like to play with my parents; we see who is quicker, me or them when they try to change me and I roll right over. I usually play this while they are trying to change my diaper. And they usually win. But I've been practicing when they're not looking!
Well, goodnight everyone!
Love Callum
I loved this, how sweet!
one of the best blogs EVER, hands down! I loved it!!
Callum, you do the best blogs!Youare so cute. You are a real Mainer, eating all those potatoes. You have a bum just like your father!
Notice Belle, Steve Cee & Emma have not been taken to Govenors. Hmmmmm.........just saying.....
Nannie loves the blog and the little 'BUM", you are a cutey.
Nanna and Spongebob took you to Governors the day we came up for xmas, you got to sit in the big booth with Nannie, remember.
so next year or this summer we can all go and get that $20.00 dessert that feeds a million of us, won't that be fun, we will have to be fighting over it with uncle twon and Jackson and Auntie KK though, don't ya think.
good blog, you must be going to be an English Teacher like your daddy.
The choc covered macaroons are really good there too, Nannie will buy you when next time she is there.
PS. keep up the good work of playing possum with your parents, and constantly wiggling around and moving when daddy tries to change you and dress you, PAYBACK TIME!!!!
Belle, Stevie Cee, and Emma -- we will definitely take you guys to Governor's the next time that you are up here! I can't believe that we haven't been there during one of the Thanksgiving trips... It's the best and you guys will love it! Yes, they do have chicken nuggets :)
Thanks Sally Piles! Emma will be happy about the chicken nuggets. Just to let you know she actually tried meat loaf the other night and she eats steak now! Big milestones in the Chiemiego household :)
LOVE the cute little butt!!!!!:)
That picture is a keeper for when Callum's first serious girlfriend comes to the house to meet the parents.
I knew i recognized that dessert carousel... gotta love Governor's.
-Brian & Melissa (i miss gov's!)
one other comment though: I will say that we don't like margarita's better than governor's because you can't really compare the two anyway. You can't compare home cooked style food to mexican, you just can't. And also, might I add that we hardly ever go to margarita's unless it involves other people from the Dovey or Willard family! I think you got Uncle Jonathan and Mel confused with Grammy and Grampy =)
This was such a great post! I love that Callum is posting to the blog now!
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