I had my second letter published in "The Morning Sentinel," which is our newspaper. The last one, if you remember, was a refutation to the claim that laptop computers were responsible for making students better writers. This one was a "rant" of sorts about a new Rite Aid being put up in Waterville.....here is the actual newspaper page, which you can read if you click on the picture and enlarge it. But I attached a text copy of the letter below as well. To give you thirty seconds of back-story, central Maine is PLAGUED by vacant storefronts, empty buildings, abandoned stores, you name it. Many of the communities around here (like Fairfield) look like virtual ghost towns. Waterville, however, has a certain charm about its downtown "Main Street"--an opera house, local chocolate shops, coffee houses, etc. There is also a Rite Aid, which stands right in the middle of the intersection leading to downtown; its a nice looking Rite-Aid, with plenty of parking. The building is in great condition. Across the street from this Rite Aid there used to be Darrell's Pizza, which was a restaurant that stood in the same place since 1973. They had fantastic steak bombs. If there is one thing I love about Maine, its Maine's steadfastness (although it seems to be disappearing) to procuring and maintaining local businesses; as a "non Mainer," its not "my right" to say this, but I think any "real Mainer" would tell you they are proud of their mom and pop stores! This past summer, Darrell's pizza was razed, leaving a huge double lot empty--we all wondered what would go there, and Amanda and I were infuriated to find out it was going to be ANOTHER Rite Aid....RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from the Rite Aid that is already there. Capitalism-scmapitalism.....there are things called ETHICS, STEWARDSHIP, and COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY to think about too, and I will never go into a Rite Aid again....

(here is a text version)
Sadly enough, construction of a brand new super-duper Rite Aid less than a stone's throw from an already perfectly good Rite Aid is a sign of the times. As much as I'd love hold Rite Aid accountable, I think the fault is equally shared with the corporation and the people of central Maine.
Personally, I'll never set foot in a Rite Aid again, since I find its building of a new store reprehensible. It is sad when, in America, we consider something that's been in place for 11 years "too old" to be effective.
Notwithstanding the fact that the construction of a new store is an egregious waste of natural resources and raw materials, what truly bothers me is that the current Rite Aid in downtown Waterville will, in all likelihood, stand vacant and abandoned for a several years -- only to then be reincarnated as a thrift store, dollar store or body piercing shop (see the former Ames plaza for proof of this), degrading the "Main Street" look of downtown Waterville.
We cannot possibly exculpate ourselves from this unfortunate event. Rite Aid is undoubtedly convinced a larger store will succeed in central Maine. And why not? Rite Aid (and other pharmacies for that matter) is a store designed on selling the American trifecta: Processed junk food to give us instant gratification, drugs to make our aches and pains go away, and cosmetics to improve our superficial appearances.
Unfortunately, a new Rite Aid will thrive in downtown Waterville.
Jared Goldsmith
Do have any idea when the body piercing shop will be opening?
I'm sure you not setting foot in Rite Aid is really going to hurt their buisness
Maybe they can open another topless donut shop!
to many big words, i got distracted
Have you published any other kinds of writing? Any books, articles, or poetry Mr. english teacher? Or is your claim to fame getting all of two letters into a tiny northeastern rag along with all the other crackpot whiners with nothing better to do. Well done! What a loser.
Mr. Anon:
I believe English should be capitalized...and why dump on his thoughts in the paper - YOU can only get published on this blog, and without the strength to share your name! Talk about a loser.
Here! Here! Let 'im have it, MET!
I agree with you, Jared. Maybe one lost customer won't hurt them too much, but it's the principle. Additionally, if more people decided to direct their patronage to GOOD businesses and boycotted the bad ones, things like this wouldn't happen as much. I know I'm going to avoid Rite Aid from now on. It's RIDICULOUS.
anonymous, why are you so bitter?
Because of the comments coming from a person who thinks he knows everything
anonymous, why dont you tell me then what YOU know, since I apparently know everything. Ironically, however, you dont even know your own name. Obviously you are someone I know....and someone who has a severe problem with me, yet you are too cowardly to let me know. That is too bad, actually. But, since you asked the question before, I will tell you what else I have had published:
*Poetry in "Main Street" magazine, which is the UNH magazine (sorry...that is only a college of 12 thousand people)
*I JUST HATE THE COLOR RED: a book about teenage cancer, co-written with Wayne Barbin, the medical editor for WBZ Channel 4 in Boston
*"Finding a Catharsis: The Relationship between place and healing in traumatic life experiences" which was my honors thesis in college...subsequently published by Hardscrabble Books--which only means that it resides in the college library
*Several "Arts and ENtertainment" articles, reviews, meanderings, etc. in THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, which is the collge newspaper of UNH
Now, when it comes to MUSIC, I can name a few for you
*I have been invited to play TWICE on the Colby COllege radio station...I have done live sets with listener requests
*I have also appeared on "Playing with Knobs" (which sounds like what you do on weekends...alone in your basement) which is a live radio show on WUNH, which subsequently was named by Boston magazine as being one of the top 5 college radio stations in the northeast.
*VARIOUS WInslow High School varsity sports DVDs, where, for three years, my music appeared on the senior varsity night DVD soundtrack
AND FINALLY....for the past five years I have been asked by the senior class at WHS to compose an original song to perform at COlby COllege during commencement--a commencement where over six thousand people show up to watch
Oh....and I also won the Phi Beta Kappa essay contest during my college years (have you ever heard of Phi Beta Kappa?) for my essay entitled "The importance of Epideictic Rhetoric within the microcosm of youth." Now, I realize there are probably two words you have to look up, but believe me when I say I wrote it.
SO....I dont mean to brag or anything, but, anonymous, you DID ask if I have done anything else besides complain in a "small" meaningless newspaper.
So I know that you undoubtedly read all kinds of fantasy books in your parent's basement....but have YOU published any? Or anything?
Peace be with you anonymous. I hope you find the love you crave.
FInally! I am on time to read a smack-down in the comments before it gets deleted! Jared, you are hilarious. That knob twisting-comment is my new favorite thing... ever. Anonymous sounds like a disgruntled student who got a C on a paper or something. Funny that he/she takes the time to visit your blog, no? Consider yourself stalked.
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