Here's this summer's island "crew." Starting in the front, from left to right, we have Mrs Sally Piles, Brian, Callum, Andrea, Michael, Aunt Patty, and some fat half Jew wearing socks with clogs. I mentioned being surrounded by clergy on the island: Brian is an Anglican priest, while Patty is a Lutheran pastor in Virginia.
Callum hated some parts of the water, and loved others. He hated the "beach" with its shallow and warm little "tidepools," as he kept shouting NA NA NA NA (Callumish for NO) when we tried to put him there; he cried and struggled furiously. But, somehow, he didnt mind as much being dipped off the dock into the deep water whilst wearing his life jacket. Callum's aversion to the water is our fault....we need to be better about exposing him to swimming opportunities. He did not go off the diving board, but he kept crawling to the edge of it. He also loved lapping the water with his hands. As for me, I enjoyed some "true" triathlon style swimming, as I did some laps along the island in preparation for my next triathlon in September. This one will be a lake swim...which TERRIFIES me because I am petrified of not seeing what is underneath me (thats what she said).
Look at Callum's baby man-boobs! This was on "sandy beach," where Callum hated everything to do with the water. However, I was able to pacify him by surrounding him with pine cones. CALLUM LOVES PINECONES. For the rest of the week he enjoyed getting his hand on them. Below, he makes little piles. Also, he helped me collect some for kindling for the stove. And, once they were in the kindling box, he enjoyed stacking them on each other; I think he enjoys the smell and the way his hands get sticky (thats what....). Brian and Michael, who kept Callum entertained greatly, taught him about tadpoles, as Michael collected a few and cupped them in his hands to show Callum....
Pick a winner, Callum! Here's Callum and his "Uncle Fibbers" (the phonetic pronunciation of "Father Brian Smith" aka F.B.S.) We also call him "Frian." Uncle Fibbers just recently left his parish in Florida, and is heading north quite a bit to serve and Anglican church in Fairfax, VA. Aunt Patty also serves a church in VA. Callum really loved getting to meet Brian and spend time with Michael and Andrea! There will be more pictures forthcoming, but like I said, this is just a taste....
Nice hat Jared, I hope Callum had some sun screen on with his Irish skin.
when callum's bigger, you can hike him into queer lake... it's in that area, and it's a BEAUTIFUL place... the water is such an odd color (hence the name)
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