You know the expression how "some things get better with age?" Well, some things suck as they age. But I was thinking about this idea of things getter "better" this morning while Callum and I were eating breakfast. We like to listen to CDs while we eat, and this morning we were checking out the album "Blues is my middle name" by Ray Charles. I began to think about how his voice became EXPONENTIALLY better as he got older. I got to thinking about other artists, things, etc that seem to be way better as they age. Feel free to add to this list....
1. the voice of Ray Charles
2. the voice of Van Morrison
3. the voice of Tom Waits
4. the voice of Elton John
5. pickled polish sausage
6. wine
7. NOT beer
8. teaching (my craft becomes better, and it seems easier too)
9. anything made my Carrhart
10. baseball caps (but I hate those "Abercrombie" hats that look like they've already been through the Khmer Rouge...I like "honestly aged" hats)
11. Katie Couric's looks....
12. Cast Iron skillets (well, most people's. Ours seems to get LESS stick resistant)
13, Sesame Street (the ones....the new ones cant hold a candle to the ones from my generation....and the old ones are as funny as heck!)
14. cheese
15. Birkenstocks
16. Trees (there is nothing quite like a mature oak tree)
17. confidence
18. dislike of people
19. maple or oak firewood (we have some oak that has been seasoning for three years...and is so dense that it STILL wasnt ready this past winter.....but look out this winter!)
20. the detective skills of gene parmesan
Don't forget me
much better with age.
I am sure this will got a lot of remarks out there, hmmm....
i dont think anyone will say anything about yo0ur post....cuz i dont think anyone reads this blog anymore
I read it. Does Nannie get better with age!!!!! shall we take a vote?
Definately the things she does get better with age? Nannie is a funny lady.
our appreciation for our parents
I still read your brog baby cakes. Good call on we are the world, what a lineup. the boss might have been the best, the way he comes screeching in there. if they did that today it would be a group of no talent clowns like t-pain and whoever came in second in last year's american idol.
Cousin Kate, your right, for some people.
anonymous, you should learn how to spell and use the English language correctly......
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