With all the press surrounding Michael Jackson's death, and everyone reliving their favorite Jackson memories, I know that whenever I think of Michael Jackson I immediately think of the "We are the world" project he spearheaded. I think it was 1985. When the most brilliant artists around got together to help curb famine in Africa....they even formed their own "band" called USA FOR AFRICA.
I want to add two points about MJ before I go on
1. There is no WAY....not even for a second....that I believe Michael Jackson ever raped any children. And I am totally serious. The unfortunate part about teaching high school is that I have to tell my students that "Michael Jackson was ALSO a singer, ya know!" It sucks that part of his legacy will be tarnished by these money-hungry parents using their kids as a commodity (oh wait...are we talking about Jon and Kate?). MJ was amazingly talented, and I dont even think we'll realize just HOW talented he was until years from now when we look back at what he did.
2. I give the press about 9 or 10 more days until someone looking for their 15 minutes of fame comes forth with some conspiracy theory (a-la-Elvis) about how Jackson faked his own death, is really alive and hanging out with former "father in law" Elvis who is also still not dead. We'll see it all over the tabloids at Hannaford. "Hannaford," for you out of staters, is "Mainespeak" for "supermarket."
I went and did a little research on WATW yesterday, watching the video, reading about the project, etc. Apparently, NOTHING in terms of charity events since then has even come close to generating as much money (or buzz) as the WATW project. And we've had lots of stuff from Farm-Aid to the 9/11 concert for freedom, to that thing they did for the thunderstorms down in New Orleans, etc. I think that is absolutely amazing. Furthermore, when you watch the video (and you can find all sorts of stuff on youtube) you begin to realize just how much sheer genius was present in one room at the same time....all working on music: Quincy Jones, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, Willie Nelson, Paul Simon, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, etc. It was amazing! But then, somehow, Dan Ackroyd weaseled his disheveled, unfunny self into the mix; I have no idea why, and I never knew this before, but you can clearly see him in the WAYYY back of the singers on the top riser. This is interesting: Michael Jackson is paired with Tina Turner following each other with their "solos." But, originally, MJ was supposed to be paired with Prince. But......he was a no-show on the day of the recording!
I had the tape. And the poster. And I wish I kept it because I bet now it gets big bucks on ebay!!
A funny "feature story" news headline might read: "Over 20 years later, Phil Collins still sore about not being invited to WE ARE THE WORLD." I can see that in theonion.com or something!
Do you know what I mean??
Who the heck gave Cyndi Lauper her own solo in this song?
Why did MJ used to wear jackets that made him look like Prince Charles?
Does everyone just EXPECTED that Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles were close friends, since they were both piano players, both black, and both blind? That sucks if its true; I wonder if they got annoyed at the way everyone just assumed they were close. I wonder if they actually hated each other since people probably expected them to "do stuff" together like make Christmas albums, do "blind tours," etc. Ray Charles had a cool "situation" going, being a musical prodigy AND blind; he probably thought he had it made-in-the-shade since he was one in a million. THEN comes along Stevie Wonder....Charles was probably pissed! What the hell are the odds of THIS happening, AND his last name is "Wonder??" he probably thought to himself. That might be why (and when you watch the video, you'll notice) Ray Charles is in a completely different room. Maybe he couldnt stand being next to Wonder.
Thanks for remembering this, Jared! I loved 'We Are The World'...I wish you still had your poster and such and such.
the only things about this post that I don't like are all of the abbreviations that you are using. Is 'WATW' a real thing, or did you just make that up? Shame on you... But I still love you.
And you are funny. You notice funny things.
I think "MJ"'s estate is bankrupt because he paid off so many people to shut up about his "perversion"
That's what I say!!
Think about it......where did all his money go? Oh! I know.....plastic surgery!
all his money went to help the children of the world....
what i want to know is, who got the "other" gloves?? Or did he have some special arrangement with the glove manufacturer so he only had to buy one....
there must be a lot of lonely, glitter-laden gloves out there
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