I cannot believe we have a one year old son together! Although today is the actual day, his birthday party was yesterday (Saturday). Present were Grammy, Grampy, P-Pop, Uncle Jonathan, Mel, Mandy, Tony, Griffin, and Liam Pelotte. Amanda did a beautiful job getting everything ready for the party--and you'll really see her baking skills at their full fruition in the pictures below. There are a bunch of great ones, but here are just a few. I'll also be posting a "short film" (check out some of Thurston's for a good time!) of my own. All I know is that Callum's party...combined with all the rain today...combined with driving home from my Friday night camping trip at 1am on Saturday have REALLY got me beat. Luckily, this is the last week of school coming up!
Here's the big boy after his cupcake. He looks like he's had enough, dont you agree? He's also styling in his new high chair, which is one of the gifts grammy and grampy got him.

Opening some presents: Here, mommy opens up the wrapping on Callum's new puzzle, while Callum plays with some of the wrapping and tissue paper that covered the outside of it.

Callum got some cool gifts: An inflatable pool so Callum and I can have fun while mommy is at work this summer, a remote control car (that is actually a BRILLIANT invention for a little toddler to use actually!), some cool blocks, books, fingerpaints, and a huge dumptruck that can be ridden. He, however, is petrified of this dumptruck, and cries whenever we put him near it or it goes near him.
Here's the cake Amanda made. She made a smaller cake and augmented it with some awesome cupcakes, as you'll see in a second.

Callum and his buddy Liam played together a lot yesterday, and here is a neat two or three minute situation that I was privvy to: Liam had a cracker in his hand, and Callum was trying to get the cracker out of Liam's paws. It was a futile attempt, because, obviously, Liam can walk and Callum can't. BUT Liam, being the great friend he is, broke the cracker in half and gave the other half to Callum. I think I was the only one who saw this....and I am pretty sure they had no idea I was watching them. Kids are kind of cool like that, huh?

Here's a family shot: I was pretty tired from the previous night's "festivities" up in God's country, Maine. PLUS, my head hurt from the wollop I took from MIKE and his piece of wood...haha just kidding....If you blow this picture up, it is kind of funny...Callum looks like he has a lot of hair. But he doesnt in real life. Weird.

Close up of one of the monkey cupcakes Amanda made. The were awesome: She used Necco wafers for the ears, and had to do a lot of other technical stuff. While she was making them, she yelled at me every time I went near her. It was kind of like growing up with Papa Goldsmith!

The table before the festivities began....

Callum is such a happy, easy going, and gentle little boy, and we are SO PROUD of him for just being him. He never ceases to amaze us each and every single day, and I can't believe a whole year has gone by since we first brought him home from Thayer Hospital--that is a day (or days) I will never ever forget....from Amanda's water breaking just as we (the Favry's and Papa and us) were about to call in some Chinese food, to me speeding to the hospital, to seeing Callum "emerge" from Amanda and laying eyes on him for the first time....
As the Bible says, "I am among men most truly blessed."
Adorable, can 't believe he is a year old all ready.
we were so glad we could be there yesterday! I can't believe Face is already a year old! We'll send you a picture of the M&M's with his little "face" so you can post a picture of them, they were so cute! can't wait to celebrate Father's Day and the Trek next weekend!
great blog. he looks so cute and sure seems to have enjoyed his bday party.
Happy Birthday, Callum! We hope to see you soon to give you your birthday present! :)
Happy Birthday Callum!!! Great job on the cakes Amanda.
Great birthday pictures, love the cake eating! Thanks
Happy first birthday Callum....we were talking about the chineese food episode yesterday.
Love the shirt Nannie bought him. Can't wait to see Jackson in his one day!!
See you in a few weeks
Stay tuned for more pictures, everyone... We realize we forgot some on this post. Mel -- we took some pictures of the M&Ms last night but Blogger was working weird so we're going to post them tonight.
Mel, Nannie wants to know how you get the name ,,, "FACE",,, out of beautiful name like CALLUM??
must be a story somewhere...
Mel, Nannie wants to know how you get the name ,,, "FACE",,, out of beautiful name like CALLUM??
must be a story somewhere...
June 15, 2009 8:58 AM
Mel calls Callum 'Face' because she thinks he has the cutest face ever.
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