Adventure filled stories from smalltown Maine, starring Jared, Amanda, Callum, and MAIRA!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Fiber Frolic and a belated birthday dinner
Hi everyone. Amanda and here. On Saturday my mom and I met at the Windsor Fairgrounds for the 9th annual Fiber Frolic. It was a beautiful day - sunny and not too hot. We go every year and we always spend way too much money. Jared always says that I'm not allowed to buy any more yarn until I use what I already have. Obviously he doesn't have a hobby of his own and he knows nothing about needing to have a 'stash'. Deep down inside, though, I think he really likes the fact that I have so much stuff. I think he would miss it if I actually did use it all. Right, Jared?
Anyway, not only is there everything 'fiber' at this fair (yarn, fleece, rug-hooking, felting, etc... ) there are also animals from whom we get our fiber. These little guys were for sale and I thought about bringing one home for Callum. Then I remembered that we only have .24 acres.
This is a little baby alpaca that has just been sheared. Isn't the little guy cute???
Okay, this is a pretty bad picture of my mom and I. But it’s the only one I had from the day. We had just finished our walk through of all the vendors and we were just consulting our notes to see which ones we wanted to revisit. I ended up buying yarn mostly for projects for Callum and Jared. I did get one “family” thing which is a felted pumpkin. I hope it turns out okay. I think Callum will like playing with it.
When we got back to the house P-Pop, Dad, Jonathan, and Mel were there for my “better late than never” birthday dinner. I had requested Dad’s Philadelphia-style hoagies. Now, I did have pictures of them but Jared must have deleted them to make space on our memory stick so that we could take pictures at Meadowbrook Farm yesterday (see yesterday’s post for those pictures). Sorry everyone. You’ll just have to use your imaginations. But they were GOOD!!!
Uncle Jonathan and Callum played a little "reach up high!" game while Callum ate dinner. Callum is so smart...
P-Pop and Callum also got to spend some time together. Callum loves his P-Pop!
Lastly, this picture is from Sunday afternoon. Isn't Callum such a little man in his romper with the collar? Speaking of which, he is going to be ONE this Sunday. I can't even believe it has been a whole year already. It makes me cry. Stay tuned for pictures from his 1st birthday party on Saturday!
yes dear, you are absolutely right...i DO love your "stash" as you call it. I love that you are passionate about your fiber arts stuff...and I wish you would spend more time on those projects and less time talking to your mom on the phone! (wah wah wah)
yes dear, you are absolutely right...i DO love your "stash" as you call it. I love that you are passionate about your fiber arts stuff...and I wish you would spend more time on those projects and less time talking to your mom on the phone! (wah wah wah)
I love the photo of uncle jonathan and Callum, adorable. he is too funny.
he is getting so grown up looking.
I can't believe its a year already, seems like yesterday we were eating Chinese food when you went into labor. Callum is such a joy!
George, could you UPS one of those sandwitches to me, thwy look soooo good.
Callum ( or should I say little Jared) looks like such a "big boy" in the shirt with the collar. Can't wait for pics of the b day party..
Amanda, can you send me the picture you took of Jon and Callum? It's so cute!
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