Hi. Amanda here. Today I'm actually posting for two Wednesdays. Since our computer has been out of commission, even with Dad the master IT man himself working on it, I was unable to do a blog last week.
First of all, Callum now has a grand total of four teeth. I have been trying to get a picture of those top two elusive teeth, and last Wednesday I finally got a great shot. Check out those teeth and see if you can tell why we are now sometimes calling him "Mr. Big Tooth"!

Also last Wednesday we got a visit from P-Pop. He was in the area for a luncheon at the local Methodist Church and he came by to pay us a visit. Callum and I were just in the middle of lunch when he stopped. Callum had his first McDonald's cheeseburger, by the way! I did grind it up for him. He enjoyed it very much! Am I a bad Mom for giving an 11 month old a McDonald's cheeseburger????
Callum had a great time visiting with P-Pop, as you can tell...

This morning Callum started off the day by getting into our books. This kid LOVES books. Sometimes he won't even go down for a nap unless you read him a book first. And when he wakes up, the first thing he does is point to his books and say "Buh! Buh!" which is his way of saying "book". Callum loves balloons AND books.

Here is my little guy this afternoon while we were waiting for Daddy. He has his new sneakers on! Since she saw his first tooth first, Grammy bought him his very first pair of shoes, which are his classic white walkers from Stride Rite. I'll have to get a picture of those too - they're adorable. His Nannie bought him these cute sneakers. Doesn't he look like a little man?

Callum ate his own lunch today. Well, part of it. I fed him his fruit and yogurt, but he ate his macaroni all by himself. I pulled him right up to the table and let him go at it. I think he liked it, and he did a great job! When I went to get him cleaned up I only found 4 macaroni pieces in his lap, 3 on the chair, and 7 on the floor. Great job, Callum!

Callum loves his shoes more when they're off his feet. He is still getting used to wearing shoes and I think he prefers just playing with them than wearing them.

In just one and a half weeks my little guy is going to be 1. I can't even believe it. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant. Don't grow up too fast, Callum. Promise?
Love that big smile and those teeth,
he has grown big time since APril thats for sure, hope to see him next week for this birthdaty.
that's a great picture of his top teeth!!!!
My favorite Blog, Wedsdays with Callum, I look forward to it, love pictures of Callum.
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