Amanda donates from each paycheck to the Make-A-Wish foundation, and sometimes, as a thank you, they send her free passes to Maine's state parks. On Saturday, we took a trip to Moose Point, in Searsport (right by Belfast). A very pretty little park! There really isn't any swimming, there is no boat launch, and there is no camping....but it is more of a "day use" park where families can go to take nature walks, look at the beautiful Penobscot Bay, toss a frisbee, and have a picnic. So that is exactly what we did. Amanda made some sandwiches, we packed our picnic basket, and took off. We took about a two mile hike around the perimeter of the bay, and Callum loved pointing out all the trees and boats. Here are Amanda and Callum down by the bay. If you blow the picture up, you can see the lobster boat that was pulling up traps. Callum loved watching the boat, and imitating its throaty diesel engine....

In addition to there being TONS of driftwood washed up on the point, there were also a good amount of shells--crab, clam, and periwinkle. Here, Callum "pops a squat" on a perfect sitting rock, and explores some of the periwinkle shells with Amanda.....

I LOVE PICNIC!!!!!! says Callum. He's standing all the time now, and meandering around the rooms and spaces of his life by leaning on couches, walls, or whatever is available. He did, however, take four steps, unassisted, last night! So that is a big accomplishment!!!

Just a really happy little boy, which makes us the happiest parents on earth. He loved playing "bohhhhhhh" with us (Callumish for 'ball') in the big fields. I would throw a wiffleball at him, he'd crawl over to get it, and then he'd shout "bohhh," as he held it out for me to take from him, so we could begin again. A fun game.

On the way home, we stopped at Perry's Nut House and picked up some fudge and black licorice. We also picked up a set of "Roy's Toys" for Callum. Roy's Toys is a toy company from East Machias (WAYYYYY up Downeast) that has been around for over 30 years. We had never heard of them. Anyway, they make handmade "Lincoln Log" types of toy sets, made from hand-
cut and stained pine. We got him "Set #9: The Camp." Lincoln Logs were always my favorite, and I hope Callum enjoys this stuff too!
Lastly, here is a shot of the windmills out in Freedom, Maine....on the way to Belfast. I dont know how many of you are up with Maine news, but Maine is kicking butt in the realm of conversations/planning/construction of wind turbines. While the suits in DC talk, talk, and talk about how to decrease our reliance on dirka-dirka oil, Maine is doing something about it. These three wind mills are the first ones constructed, and you can see them from Fairfield, even (as long as you are at a high enough elevation)! We think they are beautiful to look at as we drive around...and it is soo cool to see them way off in the distance. The mills are HUGE (well over 100 feet high....or more) and spin surprisingly slow (but I guess they dont need to go fast, since they are so big. That's what she said).
Love the pictures. Congratulations Callum on walking!! I think it's so cool all the things you do as a family. Callum is a very lucky little boy and very happy I might add.
Beautiful pictures, looks like a really nice family time. These are some of the places I'd love to get to w/ Emma when we visit, just seems like the week always flys by when we are there.
Fun fact: There are a ton of windmills up in Mars Hill, Maine - a little town between Houlton and Presque Isle. I counted over 20 the last time. :)
Callum really does "pop a squat" like nobody's business. That kid has got mad skills.
oh yeah! i totally forgot about mars hill...i thought they were still building them. Also, arent they doing some off shore?
I'm on joke overload ever since reading about the Nut House.
I love looking at his pics. He is always so happy you can't help but smile when you see his pics.I can't wait to see a pic of him in his new bike helmet. Do you think he will love the lincoln logs like you did Jared? I think you still asked for them for Christmas when you were 20.
I guess this should not be a big surprise to me, but your son is a huge ham when the camera is out - which leads to outstanding photography. The third pic down makes me laugh every time I look at it.
They might still be building them. I'm not sure. I have no clue about off shore.
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