At ANY RATE, we had a very nice visit. It was raining on Friday (big surprise, huh?) but we still drove up to Freeport, parked, and walked around a little bit. Callum got innumerable compliments on the "gentlemen's cap" he was wearing; he was a big hit with the ladies! Nannie also bought daddy a new gentlemen's cap at the British Goods store (I love that store!!), and she bought Sally a nice scarf with the "Stuart of Bute" (Callum and Amanda's Scottish clan) tartan adorning it. Very nice!!
Nannie got to spend some good quality time with Callum, which included reading him some of his favorite books of late, like "Goodnight Moon," "Elmo Peek-a-Boo," and the 2008 Specialized Bicycle factory catalog (I told you...the kid LOVES bikes!)
For dinner on Friday, I made my (getting to be) famous pulled pork. I did it a little different this time, utilizing a different dry rub (including ground coffee) and beer instead of vinegar. I think I like the vinegar better....
We also had some delicious salad from stuff Amanda picked up at the farmer's market the day before. Maybe I'll have to have Amanda do a separate blog on the Waterville Farmer's Market. It is quite impressive!!
After Callum wen to bed, I showed mom all the people on facebook that she wanted to see; she is the most addicted non--member I have ever seen. Haha. I think she should really get facebook. But I think she is too afraid. She then enlightened us with some interesting Catholic saint stories (inside joke), and we went to bed. On Saturday, we had breakfast at the Flatlanda' Diner (the favorite breakfast place of the GOldsmith's). When Callum took a nap, Nannie "napsat" while Amanda and I took a short bike ride together.
Here are Nannie and Callum playing "trucks and bottles" at the table. If you blow this picture up, it really looks like Callum has a ton of hair!

Even though it was a short little visit, it was still great to see my mom. Callum doesnt get to see his aunt, uncle, and grandparents in Masseticut very often, so every moment counts!!
bitch, bitch, bitch
Yes, Jared does bitch a lot, doesn't he? But it's so funny! I too found it really annoying that we had to pay the toll to get onto 295, just to be detoured off 285 for almost 20 miles... Doesn't make sense to me either.
Had a great time with Callum, he is a funny little guy, very entertaining. Got to push him around in the stroller, as he was picking up a lot of females who he smiled at and showed off his little teeth too, quite the hit in freeport...
the train was great, quick ride too.
now the ride wtih Jared to and from PORTLAND,,,,, um,,,,,,, PRICELESS ????? not to sure on that one.. felt like I was on a boat most of the time.... ha ha ....
please let the record show that by "bitch bitch bitch" I was referring to Jared's complaining, and not his Nannie.
and who are you annonymous??? be a man...or should i say woman?
hey, even if it is anonymous least it is SOMEONE. comments on the goldsmith5 have been as stagnant as the housing market. haha. but it is funny how anonymous lurks in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on me with insults. where has he been for all the nice stuff? what, no love? no "nice aquaskipper" or "mmm...the chicken looks good" or such and such. very sad.
why did you take Mel and Johnathans blog off your link, that was my favorite.
Oh no here we go with the comments from anonymous.......
Jared I'm really liking your idea of a show titled "Cheer Madness" and New Jersey cheer moms would make it even more interesting. I'm thinking I might have to start a blog all about little 6 year old cheerleaders and their crazy moms. It would make for some very interesting and entertaining reading. Stay tuned........
Oh my gosh... Michelle you should definitely do that blog! I bet it would be really interesting.
Great to talk with you the other night. We need to do that more often!
To everyone reading this blog....I think anonymous is "JARED"...
anything to stir up trouble!!
Read between the lines.....
that is quite an accusation, anonymous. are you sure?
I guess the only glitch I see with your deduction is that I am not cowardly enough like you to hide behind some fake name. Which is why, on any given day, there are roughly 3-4 dozen people who strongly hate me.
Anonymous, maybe you and I should have a bud light with the president and talk this out like men....
The truth is , Jared, that I know your hidden past, even if your family does not. You can hope to hide it all from them, but it will come out in the end. Good luck trying to explain it all, you fake.
I don't get it...
Anonymous, your comments don't make any sense. As far as I can tell Jared hasn't said anything personally against you in his blogs or otherwise, and if you don't have anything good to say about Jared then I'd rather not have you commenting on our blog. Please find another venue to vent your frustrations. You're getting really annoying and people are getting really tired of hearing from you.
Amanda, you above all else should know the truth. Maybe someday Jared will have the guts to let it all go. I'll stop posting now, but he is a lie.
Ok, let me get this straight - you bitch because no one is reading (and why would they), and then you shit on those who do comment. Jared, you need help. Man, what an ego.
What the heck????????
Enough is enough of this nonsense, this blog was about me going to see my grandson, and whoever you are you be ashamed of yourself.
Look at the blog, its me and a toddler.
Your comments are rude and obnoxious.
I still like the "Cheer Madness" idea.
Anonymous seems to be very angry! Wow whose cherrios did you pee on Jared!
Stop picking on Jared Anonymous and like I've told someone before, for someone who has so much hatred and mean things to say, why are you spending so much time and energy reading and commenting on this blog?
Please dont let one angry person deter you and Panda from posting new blogs. I love being able to stay in touch and see the adorable pictures of Callum through this blog. Love you both and of course Callum too!
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