He woke up briefly (enough to say "meow" and mumma) and then was back asleep on Amanda's shoulder. He actually had us pretty concerned. He had no fever, but he could not stay awake, wanted nothing to drink, and was averse to eating anything....
This is what happened when we put him in his high-chair to get him to eat.....
Finally, right before he went down to bed, he threw up all over the place--on me, on Amanda, on his bedroom floor, on his meow, etc. But he went right to sleep and had a pretty restful night.
This is what happened when we put him in his high-chair to get him to eat.....
By the next morning, he was like a different creature.....

He was happy and smiling and back to his old self. He must have had one of those "12 hour bugs" or something. He "discovered" the chair Nannie got him last year for Christmas, and he lounged around on a rainy Saturday, watching Elmo DVDs.....
I can't look at this picture and not laugh......he is me, George, and Ortiz all in one small little body.....
He still is a little bit "off," but I think he is coming around. I have a feeling it is going to be a nasty cold/flu season around here in Maine. Already, so many kids at school are sick, our neighbors are all sick, etc. Other than this, it was a great weekend for just hanging out and relaxing....no pressure to do anything, since it was so crummy out. In fact, other than watching football and DVDs, cooking, and eating, I dont think we did anything. Lynne and George came over last night and we had ham (a Mellogold from Joseph's, of course). And today I went to church alone so Amanda could be with Callum....then Amanda and Mandy went out on a lunch date at the Last Unicorn. In the afternoon we swung over to the Home Depot (probably my second least favorite place on the earth....second only to the impending construction of the George W Bush library in Texas) to look at paint. Amanda has been stripping. Wallpaper off the living room and dining room, and we (or she!) is almost ready to paint
He was happy and smiling and back to his old self. He must have had one of those "12 hour bugs" or something. He "discovered" the chair Nannie got him last year for Christmas, and he lounged around on a rainy Saturday, watching Elmo DVDs.....
I can't look at this picture and not laugh......he is me, George, and Ortiz all in one small little body.....
Have a good Monday!
poor Callum baby, Aunt June sends hugs and kisses your way. My Emma has strep throat and Brandon has a very bad cold along with Uncle Bob! I better not get any of it. That adorable picture of Callum I have to say looks just like Sport John!!! I couldn't get over it.
Poor Callum, I love the pictures though. I so miss having Emma falling asleep on my shoulder. Emma had Strep throat last week. I got the call on Wednesday that she had vomitted at school. All day Thursday she wasn't herself and finally Friday we took her to the doctor and sure enough it was Strep.
I hope Callum starts feeling back to himself soon! Hopefull the kids will get all the sickness out so their well for our visit in November. I can't believe it's just around the corner. Can't wait to see you guys! It's been a whole year since we've seen Callum! I can't wait to give him hugs and kisses, that little cutie pie!
I hope Callum is better. There is a lot going around here too. He did look so cute in the pic.
He was your president too.
hope little Man is feeling better!! we had a case of strep throat at preschool last week and her symptoms were vomiting and tummy ache somethings going around for sure!
What, no puke pictures? Hope he feels better.
Jared, you're not allowed to smell like diapers or throwup or babies when you come to Chicago.
Who's Melsie?
I love that picture of Callum on his chair. All he needs now is an ottaman and a cup holder.
So sorry that Callum didn't feel well, though the pictures are so cute!
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