Our statehouse, as photographed from "Capitol Park." 

Or at least Augusta.
Today Amanda began her new job. She is still working for the state of Maine, only now she is working directly for the legislature right in the State House. Her new title is "legislative services assistant," and she reports directly to Mr. David Boulter, who is the executive director of the legislature. Wow....pretty cool stuff Amanda.
Basically, Ms. Piles will be doing human resources stuff and working directly with the congressmen and women, along with the senators. Mike, do you capitalize "senators" and "congressmen?" You would know....
It is a big change and (if I do say so myself, since Amanda is very modest) a big step up for Mrs. Goldsmith as far as the challenges go.
As a family, we decided to take advantage of this offer, even though it means we'll be taking a pay cut; part of this position entails Amanda only working three days a week (part time) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. However, this means that she'll be home with Callum two days each week. Two of the other days he'll go to "school" with his friends, and then on Fridays he will be with his Mee-mee (do I see the resurrection of "zoo days?")
We are really excited about the time Amanda will be able to stay home, and we could really care less about the money. All that stuff does is cause problems anyway.
Congratulations Amanda!!
(**editors note: From a completely selfish point of view, I have to say how great it was to come home yesterday--one of Amanda's days at home--to the presence of Amanda and Callum greeting me at the door, the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, and the sight of homemade meatloaf ready to bake in the oven**)
good luck Amanda!
Congratulations Amanda! Hope you enjoy the new job! It's wonderful you have time to spend at home with Callum, that time is priceless.
Congrats, Amanda...I'm so excited for you. I'm hoping I can work something out like that for next year. Being able to stay home part time would be awesome! :)
Congrats Amanda. I hope you enjoy your new job and I know you will enjoy being home more with Callum. Does that mean we will get to see more pics?
Jared will need a part time job.
Congratulations Amanda! I knew you had gotten the job but I didn't know when you started. Hope it goes well, miss you guys!!
Congratulations, Amanda! I'm sure everything will work out great.
Very nice blog, Jared. This whole job situation, as I see it, works out to everyones benefit! It's nice that you can come home to your family and Amanda's great baking, it's wonderful for Callum to be with his mumma more, and it's good for Amanda to be able to be home and spend more time with the both of you and have I more interesting job when she does have to be away. I'm really happy for all of you!
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