I am so awesome. I emanate awesomeness, even. I fulfill bets to my boys by coming through wearing a Lil Wayne shirt for school today. Awesomeness is so what I am. Awesome even. Here is awesome me and Callum's babysitter Sara. We are awesome. Peace.

Today was the annual winter carnival assembly at Winslow High School. I had actually resigned my post as awesome student senate advisor, but Rick (the new head) asked me to MC the big school wide assembly anyway. I led it and I did awesome, because I am awesome. The assembly was awesome and fun. I like they. I wore my Lil Wayne shirt for my awesome day at school, but wore my other awesome Winslow shirt for the assembly. I will post some pictures later, because Michelle is going to send me some awesome emails because I am awesome. Here is me with my class today.....

There were kids absent today because it was an awesome Friday. I am so awesome and gangster. It is where I live.
I've gotta be better about this blog. Sorry.
I am awesome.
You have to stop using the word awesome. And why do you own a shirt like that? I will admit - it's awesome - but why?
did you give the blog up for lent?
Oh did I forget to mention it's snowing here AGAIN?
You Da man.
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