Each year, the Lion's Club of Whitefield puts on a train show at the Augusta armory--this was the weekend for it, and we took Callum to see the great layouts, rolling stock, and other train "stuff." He hasn't been feeling very well over the past few days, and in fact he has had a fever that has finally subsided. He hasnt been eating much, he sleeps a lot during the day, and he even refused to nap in his crib yesterday (favoring, instead, to sleep on my chest as I lay down on our bed....it was great because he never wants to do that with me...just mumma).
Today he slept most of the morning, finally waking up at about 1:30. We met Ba-Ba in Augusta, and shortly thereafter 'ampy showed up too. Callum was impressed by all the layouts the local clubs had, and he never got tired of pointing at each and every thing they had there, declaring "hoo-hoo!!!" The thing he seemed to like the best involved an old couple's layout which was "set" around a logging yard. A train would roll up to this mechanism that loaded logs into the freight cars. The couple were letting little kids press the red button that made these logs dump into the freight cars. Callum never seemed to tire of laughing at this!
We didnt buy anything (except for Callum's little train engineer hat....which he loves!) but we did continue our conversation about investing in a Lionel train set maybe next Christmas (these sets can cost like 600 bucks!) so that Callum can keep it, use it, take care of it, and maybe one day pass it down to his kids. They are more than just toys, obviously; they are collector's items. SO we'll see....
After the show, Ensign invited us over to have meatball sandwiches. So we made our way over to Readfield, played around Ba-Ba's a bit, and enjoyed a nice early supper. Right now, Callum is crying in his crib because he doesnt want to be alone, and Amanda is getting ready to bake chocolate chip cookies. Call it a tie.
Also, this winter sucks. It is like the worst winter in my memory. It was like 50 today. It sucks. Pray for snow.....
You can have ours!!!
I think that is a good idea on the trains, we can all buy things to add to his set.
New Jersey is the new Maine. You should visit sometime.
Good one Michelle! Hey, I see some handsome guys in those pictures!!!!!
ummm....you guys might have some snow....but I have this strong feeling that New Jersey is NOT the new Maine.
Oh my stars! You took that child out with a fever! Shame on you I can't believe it!
Someone obviously wants to be me
I didn't write that annonymous comment. Although we all know my favorite line is "OH MY STARS"
must really suck to want to be me so bad huh.
Jared had the exact same train hat that callum got, he loved it, he got his at Ederville I think, or maybe it was Clarks Trading Post
Its ok mom, we all know who annymous is anyway, right mum? right jared?
So when do you want to skype with the boys?
Maybe I'm late to the party, but Jared, do you have an earing? That first picture, in your left ear, it looks like a hoop earing.
You should get bigger hoops, by the way. They're good for holding your feet in position.
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