First some pictures of Callum and Lupine. Above, is our friend Siena, holding a sleeping Lupine. I mentioned on the last blog how the Fitzpatrick's absolutely LOVED Lupine (and all cats). Well Lupine returned the favor and then some. I know this sounds mean, but I've never been a "black cat" guy; Lupine has changed that though. A very sweet, loving (and TOTALLY kitten-playful) little kitty. We love her.
Callum's new favorite show is "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!" on PBS. Martin Short plays the voice of the Dr Seuss cat, and each episode features a new adventure the cat leads the kids on. On one episode Callum has on DVD, Sally and Nick were having a sleepover, and they designed a "tent" in the bedroom out of sheets, pillows, etc. Callum, using his incredible imagination, decided he'd like to make a "fort" as well. Tonight as Amanda and I were cooking dinner, we heard Callum moving stuff around in the living room. "Look!" he told us, "I made a fort and tunnel too!" I love when kids do something totally with their imagination....and then are so proud of their accomplishment afterwards....
(a little "mat" to lie down underneath the tunnel....

(crawling through the tunnel....)


So about the title.....I called it "my next magic trick" because it seems as though I keep getting myself involved in stupid, yet healthy and vigorous undertakings designed to challenge myself in new and different ways. First was the Trek Across Maine, then came my triathlons. Now comes the training for my first half-marathon. I have to say I am SUPER excited about this. Since July, I have lost about 35 pounds, and running is so much more enjoyable--I just feel so much faster, and I feel a lot less "pain" when I do run longer distances. Now that biking season is "sort of" winding down (I still ride each day to and from school....and it is only going to get colder!), I have turned to doing longer runs. Our "long day" (I say "our" because I am training with friend, colleague, and co-class advisor Lori Loftus) now consists of six miles. And it feels good! The half marathon isnt until the spring, but I am planning on running through the winter. And I'll brag: I've been working out with the cross country team, and yesterday I (for some reason that my knees are still asking me) did 800 (half mile) repeats with them. Their workout consisted of 6 of these repeats, and I did 4, since I had to ride 6 miles home afterwards. Yes, I finished last (with the exception of my second interval, where I beat two people) for most of them....but I was only ten seconds behind the pack....I was really proud of myself; this time last year, being well over 35 pounds heavier, I couldnt even think about keeping up with runners. Okay. Gonna go drink seltzer....
He was so funny in his tunnel! And he likes to get his picture taken. What a smart little guy...
I am so proud of you, Jared. You are doing great with your diet and exercise. You're really an inspiration! Plus, you look HOT!
YES! A half marathon!! It's the perfect distance. I'm so happy about this decision.
Also, Callum is adorable as always.
Callum is such a ham!!!! He is so cute. Make sure you keep telling him Aunt June is coming to visit!!!!!!!
Jared, good for you on your accomplishments, but I have to say I'm exhausted just reading the post! lol
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