Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010 (Part I)
Some really cool spirited appetizers made by Amanda (one of them is included in the second post). Here we have "mummy dogs".....Get it?
and spider web cupcakes too.....didnt Amanda do an awesome job decorating these with white chocolate?
Here's Callum and BaBaBooey. Callum likes to take his little chair and put it on the couch and sit. Callum and BaBa were watching the Packers BEAT the JETS!!!! Yesssss!!! (and the Pats beat Favre....literally!)
This morning was the "Ghostly Gallop Haunted Trail Run" that Lori (my co advisor), me, and the kids put on for a fundraiser this morning. Lori and I are class advisors...and this year they are sophomores. It actually was SNOWING this morning as we were setting up and decorating the was a cold, miserable, coffee inducing morning. Does that make sense? Callum was number 390. He finished last, with a time of 50:28. It will be in the paper.
One of my students, Griffin, has a dad who owns the store "Are you ready to party," a party supply store in Waterville. The dad is also an expert make up artist for theater and stage makeup. He put some sweet wounds and road rash scars on me. Callum feared me a bit.
An absolutely EXHAUSTING day. I taught Sunday School this morning at church, went straight to the school/woods, came home, and then our "party" started with everyone coming over to eat, cook, and have fun. I didnt keep track of how many trick or treaters this was less than usual because it was a Sunday. But I did it up nice with a sweet bonfire (it was FREEZING today). This, obviously, got me tons of chicks.
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Baba looks great I have to say! Love Callum's costume, Aunt Lynne and Amanda did a great job!
Can't wait to see you all in just 3 weeks!!!!!!! I know your excited Jared, I'm surprised you haven't dedicated a blog on our arrival.
BELLE! Great to have you back on the blog....yes I am looking forward very much to seeing you guys. We'll hae to do some kind of seafood thing for steveecee and me!
Good looking snacks, I am so glad that Callum wore his costume, it was so cute and Amanda did a good job. That were great costumes that Johnathan and Kelsey had on.
It was such a fun day! But I was exhausted at the end... Everyone helped out, though, which was great. I have to give Mom credit for the deviled eggs. The faces were my idea, but she actually made them while Kelsey and I were doing the cupcakes. Thanks Mom! And thanks everyone else for helping out!
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