Happy Thursday to all. Dont you just hate when people say "happy" in front of a day of the week? Like just because it is a "day" it is reason to celebrate. I guess some might thing it is. Like people on death row or something. Speaking of which, Paul LeRage was just (kind of) elected Maine's next governor. He is a Republican--as am I--but I just dont think he is cut out for the job. At all. He is somewhat of a radical you could say. He swears at reporters. Actually, I think he is going to be a lot like Frank Rizzo was to Philadelphia back in the day. We'll have to see. I wonder if he will be as bad as everyone thinks he is.
But Callum just loves the story of Noah and his ark. I taught something about this a few weeks ago at Sunday school, and it just seems like the "theme" of Noah and the Ark has kind of stayed around the Goldsmith house over the last couple of weeks. Callum has a 'book' kind of thing that he loves playing; essentially, there is a pop-out book of Noah's Ark, and then there are little 'paper doll' kind of figures of the animals. He likes to round up all the animals and tell them to get onto the boat. He is kind of bossy towards them, and it is kind of funny. He usually asks to play RIGHT before he goes upstairs for stories and prayers and sleep--so we have taken to using the microwave timer and setting it for 5 minutes. He knows that when the beep goes off, he needs to get down and go upstairs. Already, we are training him for Annapolis.


Lupine, meanwhile, is a fantastic addition to the Goldsmith household; she is a wonderful kitten, and both Callum and Lupine adore each other. Many parts of her personality and quirks remind us of our beloved Thomas. For example, Lupine is RIGHT at home in front of the wood stove, now that the burning season has more or less begun. She sleeps with us each night and she loves to cuddle. But she is definitely all KITTEN, and she. is. crazy. I think declawing is in her future, unfortunately, because of the new baby set to arrive in about a month!!!!!

Speaking of which, look at Amanda....she is huge! I think she looks incredible, even though she doesnt believe me. This pregnancy has definitely been a tougher go than with Mister Callum; Amanda is pretty miserable and uncomfortable with this little girl. We think we have decided on a name. Finally! But who knows. It will probably be a boy anyway....

An early Christmas present arrived from my dad today: A Crosley music cabinet (CD, tape, radio, and RECORD PLAYER!) It is beautiful and we hooked it up tonight. I am excited to get some jazz and classical records (go ahead Tim, et al) and listen to my records. Perhaps I will drink port whilst listening to my records. I hope the records dont interfere too too much with my British Comedy. Perhaps they make British Comedy records.....
At any rate, the record player was a gift for both of us: Me for the record player, and Callum for the box.....

Nice blog, Ja
1 comment:
Nice blog, Jared.
I love playing Noah's Ark with Callum. He is so funny with those animals as he "walks" them up the plank to get into the boat.
Our new record player is really neat. It's just one more step in moving us from age 30 to age 80.
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