This is the first Thanksgiving in almost ten years where we havent travelled down to CT to share the holiday with Kranthony, my mom, my dad, and everyone in between.....this year we are staying in Maine. Each year the zoo from NJ comes up, and we only get to see them for a couple of days....this year we have the great fortune to stay in Maine and see them for the whole week.....AND possibly deliver a baby to boot. Amanda is totally ready to meet our little girl. And so am I.
The drive to CT always is long and tough....especially with Callum....especially at night....and especially on the biggest travel day in the world. But it is always great to get there, eat ourselves silly, make fun of Ortiz, watch the boys play, and decorate the Favry house for CHristmas. We'll miss it.
But we're excited to stay in Maine. And not drive. And have people over (actually, that was last night and I will post some pics soon). And go to Craparitas. And everything in between. Last night we had the zoo over after AManda's 'surprise' shower that the girls threw her at Craps (Slates) in Hallowell. I made my homemade beans and I steamed some hotdogs. George made cole slaw. Stevee Cee came over early to watch some football and drink AMsetel Lights and we just had a great time.
TV Specials: We love them. And now, with 578 cable channels, holiday specials dont seem to have the same allure as they used to. I can remember being a kid and my mom telling me to be a good boy so I could watch the "Thanksgiving Special" later, and I would, and that cool drummy sound thing and the word "Special" rotating all around like a propeller would grace our black screen. And then you'd see Charles Brown.
Callum has watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, on VHS, collectively, about 141 times. Fantastic. I love that he loves CHarlie Brown. Classic TV. And he is on his way to growing up and being an old British man like me. So his buddies can make fun of him like mine make fun of me. And he can get a record player.
He calls Lucy, who wears a blue dress, "that blue thing" who "hold football and then Charlie Brown fall down again...."
Ya know, watching these Peanut videos ad nauseum, one thing sticks out to me: Snoopy is a total butthole. Not a nice guy. At all. At. All.
awww, hearing about the Zoo coming up makes me seriously miss all of you!!
Gee, driving 4.5 hours on the busiest travel day of the year and decorating someone else's house. Sounds like you're really missing out.
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