Boy oh boy am I behind in blogland. Okay. Let's get to it. This was only the second Thanksgiving in ten years that we were up in Maine. So it was really great to see the whole "show," so to speak. Basically, these are the traditions for a "Maine" Thanksgiving. The Jersey Shore usually arrives on Saturday night before Thanksgiving. On Sunday, we usually have everyone over to our house for a "pajama style dinner" where I cook some comfort food and everyone wears their PJs. So that is what we did this year too. Only this year, during the day, Amanda was surprised by her family with a little shower at Slates in Hallowell. For dinner, I made my homemade beans and we had hot dogs. Here are some pictures from the occasion:

You'll notice that Callum was decked out in his Patriots game shirt, as we all watched the Patriots beat the Colts. As usual. Patriots are awesome. But tomorrow night's game will be a doozie....

Another tradition with the Maine Thanksgivings involves the Monday night meal at Margaritas, which I call Craparitas, since it is undoubtedly the worst restaurant in Maine. Basically stale McDonalds covered in red chili sauce. But Jon, Kelsey, and the Jersey Shore love it because you can get huge drinks and then steal the glasses and carafes when you are done. Good times.
The Tuesday night tradition is usually when SteveeCee makes his famous Jersey Shore style fish--striped bass and bluefish he catches with HEYDUDE off the bay. But this year, Stevee was unable to do any fishing; thus, we had no fish. So, basically, Steve ruined Thanksgiving. Just kidding. There are many more traditions, which I will mention in the next post, but here are just a couple of photos from "spaghetti night" at Ba-Ba's house
Callum and Emma enjoying some Elio's Pizza....they were absolute best buds this week.

And Callum really working the crowd after dinner....I think he was telling people about all his "friends." Callum refers to everyone (Lupine, us, stuffed animals, his grandparents, his 'elf on a shelf,' etc) as "my friend." So, for example, he will say "I go with my friend daddy to go walk in the woods now" or "I told you I want to see my friend Ba-Ba and play with him at his house" and such and such....
Great blog! We miss you guys, it was wonderful getting to spend the entire week with all of you!
Just a correction on Steve Cee's fishing friend: It's Yo Dude, not Hey Dude. Thats all.
Hey Dude was a show on Nickelodeon growing up. I remember it because there was a character named "Donkey Lipsh" on it. He was fat and had a lisp.
Also, I am calling B.S. on the P.J. dinner because I find it hard pressed that Ensign sleeps in dungarees and a sweater vest. B.S. I say!
how come young people wear jeans, but old people wear DUNGAREES? hilarious!
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