I believe we are living in an age of a "poor man's renaissance;" poor man's because there are so many cool, fun, entertaining--and stupid things being invented every day: web sites, apps for iPhones, etc. And, from my vantage point, many of these things are invented to:
-laugh at other people's failures
-help us to be more lazy and get away with it
-aid us in being even less accountable for our own actions than ever before
There are web sites now that will do things like track how long, per month, you do things like hang out on facebook, check your email, look at espn.com, etc. At the end of the month, they report to you that you have spent 16 hours reading about Brett Favre's impending retirement on Foxsports.com, and then you can feel even dumber than usual.
And apps! There are so many amazing apps (from this point on I will say APPLICATIONS because I am not too lazy to say the whole word) out there that are so cool--for about 48 seconds of entertainment. We love our Wunderradio application, which enables us to listen to ANY radio show, radio station, or radio special IN THE WORLD. THere is a "mixology" app in which you enter an alcohol, then enter the food you are eating, and it suggests a great drink. Because you dont know what you like on your own, and you need to be told. I have often thought that a MIRROR APPLICATION would be awesome; a program that opens up a shiny piece of metal so girls can see how much ridiculous makeup they are putting on their skin. This could be great. Also, it probably already exists.
My friends and I see these new apps and web sites and constantly lament how we should have thought of that first OR how we have already been doing stuff like this for years! Here are some great sites on which to waste time, be momentarily entertained, and become convinced that society, as we know it, is coming to a fast end. ENjoy.
BEWARE: Not always the 'cleanest' and most 'moral' stuff....but still good for a chuckle....
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