1. While the kids played trains, and Siena reclined on the couch with Maira, the grownups played THEEE world's longest cribbage game--after sixty thousand interruptions and queries from the little ones, Amanda and I managed to SMOKE Brad and Sasha. Oh wait. We lost.
2. We ate roughly thirty one pounds of popcorn Sasha made in their new, movie theater style popcorn maker....popcorn kernels mixed with oil, butter, and special seasoning= YUM. Sasha even sent Callum home with a "grab bag" that he's been picking at since he got home....
3. We had delicious corn chowder and homemade bread
4. We went sledding down the driveway, and Callum had so much fun....which is great, because we thought he would still be scared of going fast down a hill (he was last winter)
5. We danced, under the glow and resonance of a disco light--to some SP4D hits; Siena and Mia have a little "dance corner" in the basement, and we were all kind of grooving to some hits....
Here are some pictures of sledding:
Here's Mia and I, while Callum looks on sadly (haha) as we sled down the packed snow. Mia was really into sledding with me, and she and Callum took turns going with me.....
Wow Jared, this is such an awesome blog! I love the way you share your life with us! I love the time you take out of your busy day to write this. That is awesome. YOU are awesome. I love you so much!!
Wow Jared, this is such an awesome blog! I love the way you share Callum's life with us! I love the time you take out of your busy day to write this. That is awesome. CALLUM is awesome. I love him so much!!!!
Wow Jared, this is such an awesome blog! I love the way you share your life with us! I love the time you take out of your busy day to write this. That is awesome. YOU are awesome. I love you so much!!
wow wow jr
What ORTIZ said.....
OH MY STARS!!!!!!!!!
When you played with the trains, did you get that sensation?
Next time I sit on your lap I also want to face you. So you can see the smile on my face.
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