LOTS of pictures and events have transpired since we left our camera at MeeMee and Grampy's house last week. We are glad to have it back! So I hope you enjoy this "photo-essay." This first picture I just LOVE because I think it truly captures the spirit of Callum.....

A few days before Christmas Eve, we were over Lynne and George's so a) I could run their beautiful wooded and hilly roads b) we could help decorate their house for Christmas c) because Grampy REALLLLLY needed Callum's help throwing out a slew of old apples into the back woods of Springpond so that the "reindeer" could eat them. Callum was a little upset...I think he thought he would be seeing deer that day...haha. (Editor's note: Please notice how Charlie Brown needed to come along.....)

In between this event at Springpond and the next few pictures, Nannie and Upbob came up for the day to meet Maira, see Callum, and give presents! Of course, we had no camera. But we did take lots of video instead. And Nannie took lots of pictures. But she doesnt read this blog I dont think....so I dont know if she will heed my request for her to send me some pictures!
Here is Uncle Jon holding little Maira.....

Christmas Eve dinner and festivities were held, once again, at the Goldsmith abode. Dinner was awesome! Amanda made Auntie KK's famous cheesy potatoes, and I made a special sauteed greenbean with bacon, shallots, almonds, and a Marsala reduction. Its all about the reduction. And, for the main event, as you can see on the left side of the stove, I barbecued/smoked a MellowGold from Joseph's; I used my special whiskey marmalade glaze, and it turned out perhaps the best it has turned out yet!

At the end of Christmas day at Lynne and George's, I was ZON.K.ED. Soooo tired. I actually fell asleep with Maira on my chest and Callum on my...well.....legs. I was just kind of waking up when Amanda took this. Two kids (with one of them a two week old) around Christmas is quite the mental workout

Our Christmas Eve table from left to right, starting with Amanda: Muriel, Dave (Muriel and Dave, as we have written before, are our good friends; they joined us for Christmas Eve), Callum Stuart, George, Floyd Landis, Kelsey, and Lynne. Maira was someplace. I have no idea where. Probably wherever poop was.

Staredown: YOU'RE IT! (or) "whacha talkin bout willis!?"

Christmas morning tradition: Amanda and Callum sit at the top of the stairs while I "check" to see if Santa came. While "checking," I also stoke the fire, put on coffee, and get a Christmas record spinning. (Editor's note: Callum was a little creeped out by the fact that a big red fat man came to his house while he slept....he was also a little creeped out thinking that, perhaps, Santa was still creeping around his house that morning. All of that went away, of course, as soon as we gave him the green light to start annihilating the wrapping paper covering his gifts....

If peeing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis!
Santa brought Callum the sweetest trumpet EVER!!!!

And nothing like some post Christmas present sibling affection shown as the two kiddys napped in mommy and daddy's bed while Mommy and Daddy did shots of tequila downstairs in preparation for the busy day that lay ahead
Nice blog..... and GREAT pictures. You are blessed with two beautiful children!
I'd like to see a pic of the quaker factory sweatshirt please
The picture of Callum and Maira cuddled on your bed is absolutely precious I love it Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!! XOXO
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